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Participatory Tools for Human Development with the Youth

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PARTY (Participatory Tools for Human Development with the Youth)

Reporting period: 2017-02-01 to 2019-01-31

1. To provide tools for the service development integrating into the everyday life of the young people.
These tools support the motivation and abilities of young people to participate in their own community development. Young people's opinions and participation are the main focus in this development process.
2. To facilitate the dialogue between the marginalized youth and the interest groups working with them.
The project works towards agile and human-centred methods and processes for service development with the NGOs and other service providers. The usage of design tools supports the development of local innovation in service structures and systems.
3. To support the uptake of service design methods and tools in practical development work
The project disseminates information about the service design methods for the people working with the development of services for young people. The project aims to encourage the use of service design and design methods in the local service development field.

The involvement of marginalized youth, using service design approach, can be identified as a priority research area in this project. The research questions that are examined during the project are:
→ What are the characteristics of an inclusive, context aware collaborative methodology for facilitating or solving local wicked problems of the unemployed youth?
→ How does the service design approach facilitate the development of the capabilities of young unemployed persons as part of their learning experiences?
→ How can the service design approach assist the community-based organisations and other stakeholders in their interventions and activities aimed at the youth?
→ What kinds of measures are needed to accommodate the different participant expectations, ambitions and limitations with a shared platform for a continuing dialogue?
Facilitation Skill workshops, Citizen Journalism workshops and SASDO young leaders incubator training were conducted with the youth to address Objective 1 of PARTY project. Facilitation Skill workshops were delivered with community youth leaders in Cape Town and with CPUT students in collaboration with CPUT. The workshop looked at allowing participants to reflect on collective group discussion dynamics from multiple perspectives and to ultimately reflect on the role of the facilitator. Citizen Journalism workshops were delivered in collaboration with CPUT and unemployed youth members from the Grabouw. The final videos co-created by the youth and facilitators at the Citizen Journalism Workshop were projected and created an exhibit where the participants were able to visually outline themselves, their backgrounds and how they had overcome obstacles in their lives. SASDO young leaders incubator training was a brief introductory training to generate the foundations for a community-led project in the Platfontein San community. This is an initiative developed with the support from PARTY partner SASI. Furthermore, to support the uptake of service design methods and tools in practical development work (Objective 3), evaluative study was conducted as part of work package 7. Additional group and individual interviews were conducted with the PARTY participants between March 2018 and November 2018 in five sites, Grabouw and Cape Town (South Africa), Windhoek (Namibia), Rovaniemi (Finland) and Leeds (UK). In total 41 exchange staff have participated in the discussion to understand the collaboration between PARTY project partners in the context of design research project that attempted to address societal challenges.

Radio Youth Footprint, the collaboration programme between X-K FM radio and San youth of the Platfontein community was a hands-on community development initiative, aiming at facilitating and thus increasing and improving local dialogue between the radio and (young) community members. The initiative is currently at concept stage, however once implemented through an involvement schedule, Radio Youth Footprint will ensure a closer collaboration between the two parties, by at the same time, offering the young participants insight into potential job experience. (Objective 2) The Radio Youth Footprint Initiative was reported about in detail in the deliverables D2.2. and D4.2. PACO framed the process and activities to structure the programme which started the collaboration between X-K FM radio and San youth of the Platfontein community, participating in the participatory design sessions and developing dedicated design tools. The aim of the activities included in this voice were the ones of intercepting and supporting the motivation of Youth to take part in their community development. The Stakeholder Mapping tool was reported about in detail in the deliverables D3.3 D4.2 and D5.1.

SASDO young leaders project incubator was a brief introductory training by UNIVLeeds to generate the foundations for a community-led project in the Platfontein San community. The participants were active community members and/or young members of the local non-government organisation SASDO. In a series of workshops, the creation and application of creative data collection tools was taught, rounded up by transferring skills on writing a project proposal and managing an implemented project. While the participants will need some more regular practice in applying the data collecting tools, this initiative played a major role in achieving Objective 1 of PARTY project, as the participants were enabled to influence their own (community) development process. The SASDO young leaders project incubator was reported about in detail in the deliverables in D5.1 and D4.2. In 2018 a smaller version of the Tool Book was created collaboratively between PARTY partners PACO and SASI as well as SASDO (Southern African San Development Organisation), a new NGO founded by San community members in Platfontein.

The online and printed toolbook is meant to disseminate the work developed in Party project and to make it available to NGOs, public and private institutions and organizations working with marginalised people. The pdf online format and printed versions of the tool book are linked to Objective 3 and reported in D4.1. Dissemination strategy was put into action already in 1st period and dissemination has grown in more deeper levels in the 2nd period. The consortium has collaboratively disseminated the information and results locally, regionally and globally in different platforms and by creating dissemination events such as the exhibitions.
The main contributions beyond state of the art of the PARTY project are:
1) The development Ethical guidelines were developed using Participatory Design as a method for conducting research or working with Marginalised San Youth.
2) The practical outreach work through the online and printed toolbook that disseminates the work developed in Party project and to make it available to NGOs, public and private institutions and organizations working with marginalised people and youth. This operation is integrated by the realization of a website in which the method and process are explained to possible future users.
3) Extensive work carried out with the methodology of Stakeholder Mapping and with practical work of identifying and creating dialogue with the stakeholders.