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The Alliance for Materials way to the creation of the MATerials Common House - MATCH

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MATCH (The Alliance for Materials way to the creation of the MATerials Common House - MATCH)

Période du rapport: 2016-07-01 au 2017-06-30

The MATCH Project (MATerials Common House) has undertaken its activities for the creation of a strong, reliable, sustainable, open and inclusive network by bringing together a qualified representative group of experts from the European Materials community (Industries, Research and University) to review current material activities and define challenges for the future. During the MATCH lifetime were organized workshops and conferences, developed databases covering research projects and financing programms, generated materials technical observatory and newsletters, produced project website and video, all actions to debate and to find solutions for materials common needs in main technical sectors (see
Through these different actions the MATCH consortium has promoted a concerted integration of strategic challenges at regional, national and European levels in the field of Materials R&D&I, as a cross cutting component to boost economic growth in Europe.
The MATCH Consortium, including members of the Alliance for Materials (A4M) initiative, 6 European Technology Platforms (SusChem, Nanofuture, ETP Fibres, Textiles and Clothing, EuMaT, SMR, ESTEP) as well as EMIRI, FEMS and E-MRS, through the MATCH project has focused its activities on 4 main objectives crucial for sustainable European innovative development:
• Enlargement and improvement within the existing Materials network at EU level
• Multidisciplinary connection of Materials to a range of industrial applications relevant for European economic growth and where concerted management actions are needed
• Integration with existing and/or promotion of new Materials networks at National and Inter/Regional levels
• Integration of EU and national and regional Materials networks in a sustainable effectively aligned network of hubs.
The MATCH main work performed and the main results achieved are:
1. To integrate the diversity of thinking in Materials developments across the main R&D&I organisations to create conditions for a genuine collaborative environment for Horizon 2020 stakeholders.
The MATCH consortium generated an overview by establishing a database and by holding workshops, conferences and meetings with experts from all stakeholder groups.
During this period it has been facilitated by integration within the larger A4M network of the ECP4 (polymers and composites Network), EMMC (European Materials Modelling Council), EMCC (European Materials Characterization Platform) and EMIRI (Materials for Energy Initiative) through the engagement in EUMAT (The European Materials Platform) and FEMS.
2. To ensure that the Value Chain based concept acts as main driver for a credible integration of resources and players.
The various workshops made clear that materials science and engineering and by this, its research and development, is integrated in the value chain of a component, product and system. Materials and materials processing research are key drivers for developing the functional properties that are crucial for novel products and high technology applications. It is important for R&D programs to include a life cycle assessment, i.e. raw materials resource, CO2 footprint and reduction in materials use by design, future reuse and recycling.
3. To identify the key research and technology developments where materials are required to meet the challenges of the 21st century across all major sectors that rely on availability of advanced functional and structural materials.
The Roadmapping workshops facilitated a landscape view on the variety of materials and applications across industry sectors and subsectors. The outcome of this work includes a list of 120 topics of key research, technology developments and cross-cutting challenges on materials.
Initial integration between materials researchers, developers and materials users from automotive, aeronautic, health, construction, energy and industry has been achieved, addressing the different sector requirements and involving stakeholder players.
4. To identify the cross-cutting materials research and innovation infrastructure needed to enable European industries to be globally competitive and to speed up time to market by promoting industrial exploitation of materials research.
Successful proposals in new research programs to Innovation at high TRL and transforming ideas and results from EU Project in new products and services
6. To identify the need for reference tools for a sustainable transformation of European industry
The creation of an extensive Data Base for National and European Projects led to the collection of about 1400 funded collaborative research projects over the last 8 years, and for National Regional European materials research funding programs covering about 300 programms from 30 different European countries to identify the main stakeholders in Europe and the main research topics is available on the MATCH website.
7. To raise public awareness of the socio-economic benefits of emerging advanced materials technologies, particularly those addressing sustainable technologies and processes, low carbon transport, sustainable energy generation, healthcare, creative industry and the built environment.
This network has established the MATCH A4M Sector Technical Groups in these sectors and also web related activities, such as the MATCH Observatory, the newsletter and the database.
8. To bring together all the key materials technologies and supporting infrastructure to advise the Commission about the priorities for Horizon 2020 and beyond.
Contributions to the definition of topics for the next EU Call 2018-2020 have been discussed at EuroNanoForum 2017 in Malta ( and at two MATCH A4M Sector Technical Group Meetings organized by FEMS in February and June 2017. A 3rd workshop using the MATCH network will be organized by MatSearch and EPFL under the umbrella of FEMS, EuMaT and EURATEX in November 2017 in Lausanne, with collaboration of EMMC Materials Modelling and will present a Materials Research Strategy for FP9.
MATCH created a comprehensive network focusing on complementary stakeholder sectors enabling connections between research and industry, focusing on market needs, which will add wealth creation and employment opportunities. MATCH made an important step toward a more open materials research and innovation landscape. The critical issue and task is to convince and guide industry on the optimum path to scale up and exploit materials R&D “commonalities”. Materials R&D that might serve for several sectors, might be the basis for the next level of innovation to accelerate time to market.
The outcomes of the MATCH workshops organized by Technical Sectors on the main industrial sectors (energy, transport, construction, health and creative industry) will also form the basis for MATCH members to further developments on materials role interacting with the EU Commission and with EU Materials Platform (as EuMaT, ESTEP, SusChem). These activities will be reinforced by additional MATCH members (as FEMS, E-MRS & SpinVerse) activities which will provide regional, national and European forecast of “materials applications of the future”. Activities carried forward to address the societal challenges for a secure society on topics as health, food, water, bio-economy, smart and green cities, clean and efficient energy,