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Smart City performance measurement system

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CITYKEYS (Smart City performance measurement system)

Période du rapport: 2016-02-01 au 2017-01-31

European Commission has developed two parallel approaches to support the implementation of smart urban
technologies: the creation of 'lighthouse projects' (large scale demonstration of technology in cities and communities) and
'horizontal activities' to address specific challenges (e.g. regulatory barriers, in standardisation, public procurement and
performance monitoring). CITYkeys project is within the context of these horizontal activities. The mission of CITYKEYS is
to develop, and validate, a holistic performance measurement framework for future harmonized and transparent monitoring
and comparability of the European cities activities during the implmeatation of Smart City solutions. The work methodology
will be based on the following key factors:
• Extensive collaboration and communication with European cities.
• Establish a baseline by analysis and integration of existing results from previous initiatives.
• Develop a set of KPIs specific for Smart Cities initiatives evaluation and comparability
• Smart solutions for transparent and open data collection and processing.
The tangible objectives of the CITYkeys project are to:
1) Develop and validate a transparent performance evaluation framework: including KPIs definition, guidelines for data
collections, performance system prototype and testing in case-cities.
2) Develop recommendations for the implementation of the performance system into the cities decision-making process and
recommendations for the development of new business.
3) Engage stakeholders in identifying and exploiting opportunities for synergy and replicability; and establish a collaboration
platform for European cities.
The consortium includes 3 multidisciplinary research organizations, 1 cities association and 5 partner cities covering different
geographical regions in Europe and different urban realities. In addition to the 5 partner cities, 15 others shown their
commitment to join the project stakeholders advisory group. The testing phase of CITYkeys framework and indicators has involved 50 cities/projects/companies/standardization bodies.
In addition CITYkeys has worked closely with Lighthouse projects mySMARTLife, REPLICATE, SMARTER TOGETHER, TRIANGULUM, SmartEnergyCity, and participated over 32 external events.
CITYkeys has seeked synergies with:
• European Commission, EIP SCC
• Covenant of Mayors, SCIS, RFSC, European Energy Award, Green Digital Charter
• Lighthouse projects, ESPRESSO, URBIS, DECUMANUS
The work has proceeded according to the DoA. The following sections present descriptions of progress status and partners contributions for the main active tasks and deliverables during the 1st and 2nd reporting period.

Efforts on the 1st period were focused on building the indicators framework, including collecting stakeholders requirements to it and feedback on it. This resulted in an extensive description of all the framework and respective KPIs presented in report D1.4. In addition the needed data sources for the KPIs calculation were analysed in order to support the testing phase in the 2nd period. In general, the work progressed towards the main Scientific and Technological goals, although there were some small delays, most of which are now almost caught up (at the time of writing the periodic report).
The main results achieved were:
Overview of the cities performance monitoring needs (D1.1)
Overview of the current state of the art of performance measurement frameworks and systems (D1.2)
CITYkeys Smart city KPIs and related methodology (D1.3 and D1.4)
Definition of needed data sets for KPIs calculation and their availability (D2.1)
Dissemination and communication activities including the set-up of the project identity and (D4.5) the D&C and the exploitation plans (D4.1 and D4.2)
Administration and coordination activities focus on the everyday project management and on the setting up of the project guidelines and internal document sharing platform.

Efforts on the 2nd period were focused on designing, implementing and testing the performance measurement and data collection system, including collecting stakeholder requirements to it and feedback on it. This resulted in the CITYkeys KPI tool available online and described with recommendations in D2.4. In addition, recommendations for exploitation were designed with regard to policy decision making (see D3.1 User handbook for city representatives), business opportunities (see D3.2) and smart city indices (see D3.3). All CITYkeys main recommendations were summarised in D4.6 City handbook.
In general, the work progressed towards the main Scientific and Technological goals, although there were some small delays, most of which are now almost caught up (at the time of writing the periodic report).
The following deliverables were due during the second reporting period (2016.02.01 to 2017.01.31):
D2.2 Specifications for the collection system and calculation methodologies for the performance measurements
D2.3 Prototype of the performance measurement system integrating input specifications, calculation methodology and visualization
D2.4 A report about the case studies
D2.5 Report on the ITU-TL.1440 piloting
D3.1 A user handbook for city representatives containing recommendations for the deployment of the performance measurement system in policy decision making process
D3.2 A report mapping new business opportunities for service and technology providers of solutions required by smart cities
D3.3 A report specifying recommendations for the development of a smart city index
D4.4 Final communication and dissemination report
D4.6 City handbook
D5.4 Periodic report 2 and final report
CITYkeys has done extensive collaboration with cities (including Lighthouse cities) and citizen groups. In addition the co-operation with other stakeholders like industry, associations and networks. The collaboration enabled to Identify what are the needs of the cities and the needs of citizens & stakeholders with regard to the CITYkeys outcomes and results, namely smart city key performance indicators.

The indicators that will be used for the CITYkeys framework are expected to be adopted and supported by a wider audience since already round 50 voluntary cities, industrial or other stakeholders have shown their interest CITYkeys indicators and giving their feedback in real life cities and projects.

CITYkeys is focusing on smart sustainable development including aspects from people, planet and prosperity categories, but introducing also governance and propagation. The performance measurement framework will include specific smart city KPIs that go beyond the traditional division into categories and will measure the integration level and openness of the technological solutions.

The data availability and successful implementation of most of the project and city KPIs have been validated. The average KPI data availability rates in a European city are expected to be over 70% (around 25% as open data) for quantitative city KPIs and close to 100% for all the qualitative ones.

CITYkeys framwork and indicators will help cities and projects to monitor and improve their performance in a sustainable way.