Periodic Reporting for period 3 - RICH (Research Infrastructures Consortium for Horizon 2020)
Période du rapport: 2017-12-01 au 2019-05-31
In order to reach the overall goal a set of specific objectives have been established and a plan of activities implemented accordingly:
To enhance the highly professional support services operating nationally:
o All NCPs are informed about the RICH activities
o 39 MoUs signed giving access to the RICH services
To promote an equal and consistent level of support services throughout Europe:
o 6 trainings, 1 webinar and 8 triplings
o 4 expert seminars on Open Science Cloud initiative; ESFRI and the Roadmap 2018 Update; International Cooperation in Research Infrastructures; Widening Research Infrastructures in the ERA
o FAQs updated
To promote trans-national and virtual access:
o 4 videos produced
o Search facility up and running
o Presentation of relevant TAS opportunities during infodays and at NCPs networks events
To create synergies with other NCPs networks:
o All networks contacted and schedule of joint activities drafted
o One single entry point per network
o 4 common events organised
To reinforce the cooperation with other policy and international cooperation oriented measures for research infrastructures:
o 3 Symposia on European Funding Instruments for the development of Research Infrastructures; Fostering the Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures; European Research Infrastructures: from WP 2020 calls to Horizon Europe¨have been organised
To implement feedback mechanisms:
o Feedback forms are in place for all RICH events and initiatives
o NCP networks, RIs project coordinators, relevant stakeholders have been contacted
o Structured feedback to the EC is in place
To build on the past experience and achievements gained in EuroRis-Net and EuroRis-Net+ projects:
o The Observatory has been relaunched and has been improved constantly
WP1 ""Management"" is designed to put in place appropriate and efficient coordination and management, organise two review meetings and run the liaison office for extended NCP network.
Main Results
39 NCPs have signed the Memorandum of Understanding with RICH to become part of the “extended network”: the MoU sets the rules of involvement in terms of services provided and contribution expected. more than 55 Extended NCPs have participated to the different activities.
Almost all NCPs have responded to the “questionnaire on needs assessment” and by continously collecting the answers for the members of the network, beneficiaries and the extended network, a good picture of the skills and the needs of ther RI-NCPs is available. This is a powerful instrument for the planning of the different activities.
WP2 ""Capacity building"" is conceived to improved and professionalised NCP services by providing training on key technical issues specifically related to RIs, to mentor newcomers, achieve full synergy of Research Infrastructures with other H2020 pillars
Main Results
6 trainings have been organised: all appointed NCPs have been consulted in designing the training topics and agendas.
4 expert seminars
8 triplings have been delivered building on the outcomes of the “Questionnaire on needs assessment”
All NCP networks have been contacted and offered with tailor-made information relevant in the different fields.
WP3 ""Dialogue with Research Infrastructures ecosystem""
Main Results
Three Symposia have been successfully held: the organisation of the event can be considered as a good practice in term of collaboration between the EC and the NCPs.
Two infodays have been organised and web streamed. In both cases (Infoday on WP 2016-2017 and Infoday on WP2018-2020), more than 700 persons have been able to follow the event either physically or remotely.
WP4 ""Communication and dissemination"" is supporting the awareness of the scientific community and the other thematic NCP network of the TAS (TAS) opportunities, promote the activities and services offered by the NCP network, disseminate information on the possibilities offered by the RI workprogramme, provide the relevant services of the EC with a structured feedback from the RI stakeholders .
Main Results
During the whole project duration, RICH has actively participated at the most relevant events in the RIs context.
4 videos have been produced.
1. Expected impacts (54 months): An improved and professionalised NCP service across Europe thereby helping simplify access to Horizon 2020 calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the average quality of proposals submitted.
Level of achievement (0-5): 5
Related Tasks:
Task 2.1 RICH Academy
Task 2.2 Exchange schemes: Tripling and visit to Research Infrastructures
Task 2.5 Virtual Help-Desk and FAQ
2. Expected impacts (54 months): Appointed RIs NCPs have access to RICH activities
Level of achievement (0-5): 5
Related Tasks: Task 1.4 Associated beneficiaries
3. Expected impacts (54 months): The assistance provided by the NCP is more complete, use of EU RIs is promoted, research community is aware of the benefit of using EU RIs
Level of achievement (0-5): 5
Related Tasks:
Task 3.4 Infodays 2.0
Task 4.1 Web site and maintenance and exploitation of the Observatory
Task 4.3 Participation at major events and PR activities
4. Expected impacts (54 months): H2020 NCP networks are informed about the opportunities offered by the RIs work programme (in particular about “thematic TAS”)
Level of achievement (0-5): 4
Related Tasks: Task 2.3 Connecting RICH to other NCP networks
5. Expected impacts (54 months): Appointed RIs NCPs have first-hand information on the activities carried out by these initiatives and can provide a more complete service
Level of achievement (0-5): 4
Related Tasks:
Task 2.4 Learning from European RI networks & Advisory Groups
Task 3.3 International cooperation
6. Expected impacts (54 months): RIs NCP performance is in line with the clients’ needs and the EC receives concrete the feedbacks on the implementation of the programme and the RICH project.
Level of achievement (0-5): 5
Related Tasks: Task 4.4 Structured feedback to the EC
7. Expected impacts (54 months): Best practices are improved while bad practices are avoided. Inputs from EC, reviewers and RIs NCP are valued.
Level of achievement (0-5): 5
Related Tasks:
Task 1.3 Review meetings
Task 1.4 Associated beneficiaries
Task 4.4 Structured feedback to the EC