Integrated report on the role of the social economy to deliver social outcomes
Report on best practicesReport on best practices according to “social investment” from institutional perspective according to policy instruments analysis and public policies analysis
Professional education aidsProfessional education aids: ‘The Handbook of Social Innovation’ for professional educational purposes. This will include material from the project designed for professionals working to promote social innovation, including social workers/development workers
Report on preliminary resultsGeneral report on preliminary results of research relating to scientific literature overview
Synthesis of consultationSynthesis of consultation with policy-makers and other stakeholders
Selection of case studiesFinal selection of 20 case studies
Report on approaches to social investmentReport on approaches to social investment from the scientific perspective
Report on social economyOverview report on the role of the social economy in delivering social investment related to social innovation
Seminars and round table discussionsSeminars and round table discussions: Partners will attempt to involve key actors and stakeholders in discussions that will look to give greater voice to all the actors as well as involving policymakers in the discussion
Reports on 'driving forces' for social investmentReports on ‘driving forces’ for social investment; summaries of these reports will be written in national languages
Dissemination StrategyDissemination strategy: A dissemination strategy for the whole project that schedules all expected outputs that will require dissemination and provides a strategy to ensure that the project achieves maximum coverage and reach
A synthesis of findingsA synthesis of findings from the 20 case studies
Report on social investmentOverview report on social investment, welfare performance on the level of the nation state – including typology and welfare challenges
A report on the impact generated based on data collected for the different impact metricsEvaluation report
An evaluation report on each case study
Inception ReportInception report delivered to the Commission detailing revised and agreed; research objectives; methodological design; and, project plan
Report on econometric modellingA report on the findings of the econometric modelling work; summaries of the report will be written in national languages
Conference papersConference papers: Preparation of at least one conference paper for each research partner
A set of research findingsA set of research findings from WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6 ‘translated’ into a form that is accessible to policy-makers and stakeholders and stored in the Social Policy Knowledge Bank
Management StructuresEstablishment of management structures and working groups
Practical guide for forecasting welfare issuesA practical guide for applying future thinking techniques in forecasting welfare issues to be published in the project’s website
Recruitment and training of 100 Community Reporters across ten case studies
Analysis of Community Reporter materialAnalysis of Community Reporter material as a strand of the case study analysis (this deliverable is linked with D4.3)
StorylineA storyline which describes the development of each scenario from the present day to the horizon point; storylines will be written both in English and in national languages
Main project website: This will include an intranet site for the project team that incorporates a data archive and a public website with pages designed for a range of audiences, including marginalised groups
Website accessibilityWebsite accessibility: National language pages will be placed on the main project website to maximize accessibility
Harri Jalonen, Mira Lehti, Anna Tonteri, Minna Koskelo, Anu K. Nousiainen, Tuula Jäppinen
Published in:
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Sandra Geelhoed, Rob Grundemann, Eva Hijmans, Hayley Trowbridge
Published in:
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Michael Willoughby, Jose Millet, Roig José, Pedro García Sabater, Raúl Tabarés
Published in:
Universitat Politècnica de València
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