Guidebook for EPC+-platform
Report on the training courses
Project leaflet
Minutes of 1st workshop of SPIN-partners
Minutes of international information exchange events, via teleconference or life case (20x)
Guidebook for organizational tools
Description of the established SPIN's as good-practice examples for further dissemination
Final Brochure
Organizational tools for the EPC+platform
Documentation from national seminars
Description of valuable information exchanges and/or joint developments realized via the EPC+-platform, 1-2 A4 per case (10x)
Minutes of final project meeting (+ other interim project meetings)
Minutes of final project meeting (+ other interim project meetings). These meetings will be held in regular 6-monthly intervals.
Business plan continuation international EPC+platformMinutes of 2nd workshop of SPIN-partners
Analysis of opportunities, barriers and requirements of the EPC+platform
Interim status report of the establishing of SPINs
Minutes of kick-off meeting
Minutes of kick-off meeting and five project meetings
National toolbox: customized/adapted toolbox for each SPINAnalysis of opportunities, barriers and requirements of a SPIN
Training materials in other languages
Needs analysis survey and report on survey response
Documentation of 2 Final European Conferences
Guidelines for communication and dissemination
Report and analysis of results of EU communication and dissemination campaign
Final status report of the establishing of SPINs
Business case description
Organizational tools for the SPIN
Standardized Financing Contract
Modular model contract (public version)
First progress report.
Adaptation and translation of modular contracts (public version)
European Toolbox: Description of standardized energy-efficiency-measures + measure-interaction-matrix
Training material in English
Final progress report (+ other interim progress reports)
Final progress report (+ other interim progress reports). The interim progress reports will be delivered at regular 6-monthly intervals.
Evaluation reportPresentations about the project outcomes. At least 3 presentations about the project outcomes will be presented in each country at relevant conferences, seminas, workshops etc. These should be done at the end of each year.
Press bookElectronic Newsletters
Electronic Newsletters. The newsletters will be sent once a year.
Online availability of materialsProject website
Implementation of pilot projectS
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