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CORDIS - EU research results

Developing and implementing financial instruments for the mobilisation of investments in renewable energy in the agrarian sector


Final report

Document describing the whole development of the project, from the conception of the idea and construction of the partnership to the disposal of a financial instrument and a pool of projects ready to use it. The report will also contain a description of the most relevant findings and tools developed during RESFARM and an action plan to follow in the future to apply the results

Communication leaflet

This deliverable will contain a sample of the communication leaflet and a summary explaining the contents. The communication leaflet will be addressed to those users that are interested in a more complete information in relation with RESFARM.

Report on database structure and technical results

The information contained in the database will be object of a systematic and detailed analysis in order to ensure that the conclusions obtained upon it will have internal and external validity. The standards applied and the technical properties of the survey (confidence intervals, sample characteristics, etc) will be documented and reported to the Comission in a specific report.

Advertising poster

This deliverable will contain a sample of the advertiser poster and a summary explaining the contents. The advertiser poster will be distributed among every open to the public office of the agrarian associations in order to increase the level of aware of RESFARM.

Report legal and administrative improvements

This report will provide a comprehensive list of the most important legal and adminsitrative obstacles and dificults that affects the instalation of RES on farms. It will also suggest a number of possible modifications or actions that can improve the situation and facilitate the development of new projects in general and of RESFARM in particular. The report will be the basis for the establishment of a platform including key actors with the social and technical legtimization to demmand effective action from the political representatives. For example, the report will discuss the authorization procedures required for new RES and propose alternatives in order to simplify and fastening the administrative requirements while maintaining the necessary guarantees. The report will be available in English and Spanish.

Report on assessments to farmers

This document will contain a detailed report on the different communication activities developed by the agrarian associations in order to attract users of RESFARM. Among other elements, the report will provide verifiable information on the number and characteristics of people reached, the impact of the action, the lessons learnt and the adequation of the specific activities in order to achieve the objectives of RESFARM

Report on communication activities to farmers

This document will contain a detailed report on the different communication activities developed by the agrarian associations in order to attract users of RESFARM. Among other elements, the report will provide verifiable information on the number and characteristics of people reached, the impact of the action, the lessons learnt and the adequation of the specific activities in order to achieve the objectives of RESFARM

Valuation methodology

Document describing a valuation methodology for on-farm RES pools agreed by the financial agents, like rating agencies and market regulators. At the hearth of the financial instrument will be a market-agreed valuation methodology capable of providing an accurate estimate of the economic value of the assets at every moment, specially regarding the valuation of a bond issuance backed by on-farm RES. The methodology described in this document will include the variables that affect the value of RESFARM, the relation among these variables reflected in a quantitative model, the statistical properties of the model and specifically, all the aspects to be presented in order to obtain a rating qualification by a rating agency

Platform replicators`guide

Report containing the results of the Spanish Renewable Energy Financing Platform and a series of materials and suggestion useful for potential replicators throughout Europe. Document produced on the basis of the experience of the Platform. Here, a description of the process followed during the constitution and life of the platform will be detailed, with specific suggestions to be followed in order to avoid detected problems or to take advantage of identified strengths. A detailed description of human and economic resources needed will also be included as well as a evaluation of the most effective measures to obtain results.

Midterm report

Report in the corresponding template in relation to the work done in the first implementation period.

RESFARM production capacity monitor

Among the objectives of RESFARM is to identify and enlist a number of on-farm RES projects sufficient to launch a pooled promotion and financing scheme. In order to visualize the progress of the project an indicator will be determined, calculated, published and updated in the web page. This deliverable will include a description of the indicator, the methodology for its calculation and the systematic of its updating and publishing

Initial leaflet

This deliverable will contain a sample of the initial leaflet and a summary explaining the contents. The initial leaflet will be a generalist and brief document explaining the objectives of RESFARM and the manner to get involved in it

Report results of the platform

Document reporting the different activities developed by the platform and the results obtained. This document will include the conclusions of the participants and a number of lessons learnt useful for future actions and/or for replicators

Standard contracts

Templates of the contracts linking all the elements of the chain between farmers willing to install RES and institutional investors seeking investment opportunities. The development of a specific framework for promoting and financing on-farm RES will include the elaboration of a number of standard contracts linking the different actors. These contracts will include, among others, power purchase agreements with energy distributors, easement of sites owned by farmers, leases, guarantees and securitisation schemes.

Supporting signatures to the petition dirve

Copy of the documents containing the signature of the citizens supporting the petition drive developed by the Platform

Research paper UDC

The information obtained during RESFARM will be the object of at least a research paper in order to disseminate among the academic community the most relevant findings and evidence. Due the extension and novelty of the surveys and interviews to be performed, it is expected that the paper will be a useful contribution for the literature specialized in energy economics, a vibrant field of research nowadays.

List os measures proposed by the platform

List of measures proposed and relevant actors to implement them. The document contains the different measures to be promoted by the platform and the explanation of their necessity.

Technical, financial and legal alternatives

This report will be a comprehensive description and analysis of the information obtained during the survey and interview and the contextualization of the findings within the technical legal and financial framework. The objtive is to provide the most relevant and accurate information to the members of the consortia in order to discuss and select the best option in order to collective promotion and financing of RES on farms. Among the different aspects to be dealt with by this report are the technology or technologies to be used for RE production (PV, wind…) attending factors identified during the surveys as the willingnes of the farmers to be active in operation and maintenance activities or the life span of the systems. The financial alternatives for RESFARM will be studied in order to determine the feasability for the users and for capital market investors and their capacity to attract the required among of investments. In this regard, for example, it will be highlighted aspects like the liquidity and amortization period of the resultant bond issuance and the optimal size of the individual systems and the number of them to be included un RESFARM in order to be economically viable. Legal aspects regarding RESFARM will also be analyzed in this report in relation with the findings of the survey. The survey will provide critical information about the necessities and requirements of the farmers, authorities and investors in order to desing a legal and contractual framework capable of relating them all. The report will be publicly available in English, Spanish, Greek and Italian

Report on best practises for pooled RESFARM

Report on best practises for pooled RES. This document will contain the conclusions of the working team regarding planning, installing, operating and maintaining pooled on-farm RES. During the survey, a team will be responsible to use the information in order to determine, from a technical and “societal” basis, the most efficient alternatives in order to set up, operating and maintaining pooled on-farm RES. This report will propose a protocol to be followed from the moment of initiating the planning of the system to the end of the lifespan, including the operation and maintenance activities required, the controls and quality aspects and all the different elements to be taken on account from the engineering perspective. This report will also be required in order to estimate the cost structure of RESFARM and the different structures to be created in order to make it viable.

Report on analysis of survey data

This deliverable will contain a detailed report on the findings and implications of the information obtained. The analysis will highlight a number of critical aspects to be included in the dialogue that will ultimately produce the financial instrument and other key outcomes of RESFARM. At the same time, the report will be helpful for a number of extra-consortia users that can be interested in the issue, specially potential replicators.

Report on analysis of interview data

The report on analysis of interview data will have a more statistical nature than the report on surveys. The analysis will allow to quantify estimators for a number of relevant parameters in order to design both the legal and technical framework and the financial instrument. For example, this report will provide an estimation of the number of farmers willing to be part in a variety of RES promotion schemes. At the same time, the report will be helpful for a number of extra-consortia users that can be interested in the issue.

Farmer's manual

This document will serve as a main tool to provide detailed information about RESFARM to the farmers so they could evaluate the possibility of installing RES on their lands and their inclusion in the pool. The information will be accurate and user-friendly in order to ensure that the farmers understand the opportunity, the rights and obligations related and the procedure to follow in order to be evaluated for RESFARM. The documment will complement the information campaign and will be available in English, Spanish, Italian and Greek. It is planned to print at least 10,400 manuals to be distributed by the farmers´associations. An electronic version will also be available at the project´s web page.

Format petition drive

The deliverable will include the format containing the declaration to be publicly subscribed during the petition drive that will be carried out by the Platform and a summary explaining the rationality of the content.

Platform constitution and agreement

Spanish Renewable Energy Financing Platform constitution and members´ agreement document. Contains the distribution of responsibilities and tasks to be developed for every of the members of the platform for Renewable Energy Financing. This document will also describe the different discussion and decision bodies and processes to be followed during the development of the platform.

Description of investment instrument

This report will contain a detailed description of the investment instrument to be fostered by the consortium and the characteristics that make it especially suited for promoting on-farm RES. This report will be the result of the orientated dialogue to be held by the members of the consortia and other actors considered relevant for the promotion of on-farm RES. On the basis of all the information and analysis provided by RESFARM, a investment instrument will be defined for further development and ultimately for being applied in order to finance on-farm RES. The report will follow the rational process followed by the consortium in order to choose a given set of alternatives among the available options. Hereby the pros and cons of every option will be highlighted and the different elements composing the financial instrument described. Among the elements that will comform the financial instrument described in this report will be the Special Purpose Vehicle that will centralize the cash flows, the market to be targeted by the SPV, the type of bond to be issued, the structure of relations between farmers, originators, SPV, issuers, investors, regulators, and all the different agents included.


Description and link of the official web page of RESFARM

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