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ORganizational Behaviour improvement for Energy Efficient adminisTrative public offices

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - OrbEEt (ORganizational Behaviour improvement for Energy Efficient adminisTrative public offices)

Reporting period: 2016-09-01 to 2018-02-28

Tertiary sector buildings sector consume a sizeable proportion of EU total energy consumption and the majority of consumption is directly attributed to the operational phase of the building life-cycle. Occupant behaviour is a major cause of this consumption.
The goal of OrbEEt project is to establish a trusted Systemic Enterprise Operational Rating framework, that will also present the ability for real time building monitoring, continuous measurement of the impact of different activities on the overall building energy performance and most importantly, for timely, relevant and personalized feedback that will aim at triggering sustainable behaviours. Within OrbEEt, energy efficiency will be achieved through progressive improvement of organizational efficiency, while energy performance will be optimally balanced with business performance and occupant preferences to avoid organizational performance degradation or loss of occupant comfort.
The systemic approach introduced within OrbEEt was expected to reduce energy consumption by 20-25%, providing significant benefits for public building occupants/owners/administrators and the society in total. Apart from economic benefits stemming from energy savings/bill reductions, the fully fledged approach introduced in OrbEEt should generate significant reduction of raw materials, CO2 and other GHG (Green House Gas) emissions associated with building energy consumption. The systemic reduction of demand may consequently lead to comparable reduction of required production levels with obvious emissions reduction effect. Improvements in the quality and security of energy supply and the efficiency of the grid may be also achieved; considering also peak demand reduction potential.
Taking into account the comments received from the reviewers during the 1st review of the project (end M20), the WP2 was extended for 2 months to properly describe the methodology:
• To measure energy consumption savings (i.e. Baselines have to be properly identified to measure the achievements of the project).
• To engage end users
• To measure behavioural change
In the project we manage to address this objective and the available models are available to the public audience through an open repository.

WP3 is about the development of the OrbEEt platform and further the installation and configuration to the different pilot sites. While the development of the different modules was performed as part of the 1st reporting period, the integration, lab testing, configuration and deployment was performed in the 2nd reporting period.
The 2nd Period has focused upon actions and activities to validate and evaluate the deployed system in premises ensuring the active engagement of end users in premises into the WP4

The main outcomes of the work performed in WP4 (vs. DoA objectives) are further presented:
- End-User Training Completed by M18
- At least 4 workshops for awareness and collaboration throughout the project per pilot site
- Software evaluation and fine-tuning by M36 and end-user acceptance >90%
- Software Evaluation and Fine-Tuning throughout the pilot validation
- 12-monhts full validation of OrbEEt framework in premises
- 4 pilot buildings actively engaged in the pilot roll out
- Over 15% of consumption, CO2 emissions & peak demand reduction
- 2-3 years of pay-back period
In the project the major progress in the modelling domain has been in the area of the application of Hybrid Method Engineering. Enterprise (Energy-Related) Behavioural Modelling viewpoints are identified according their domain, the level of technical granularity, the degree of formalisation, and cultural aspects of relevant community, towards the definition of skeleton activity profile models (energy related) that will utilize conceptual and technical results from ComVantage and BIVEE, further elaborate and adapt them to the needs of the OrbEEt Automated Operational Rating Framework.
So far the expected potential impacts in terms of socio-economic and wider societal implications are: (1) Obtaining several project products; (2) Energy savings; (3) Engagement of end users at pilot sites.

OrbEEt extends the concept of DECs towards delivering certificates of significantly enhanced spatio-temporal granularity by establishing a dynamic model-based approach (models, methods & tools) for a continuous estimation of their constituent metrics and indicators. DECs are continuously updated using actual building measurements and made available to occupants/visitors at almost real time. Enhanced DECs take into account all major loads related to organizational activities and most importantly, they will establish a direct link between energy performance and various elements of the organizational ecosystem (spaces/offices, teams & activities), allowing for a more systemic view (drill-down and drill-through) beyond typical DECs.

This is a main innovation introduced by ORBEET and was validated in the pilot sites of the project, with results highlighting the need for the adoption of a holistic and systemic approach in building management, considering also occupancy related parameters on the operational process.
Moreover, an important lesson learned during the project is that building occupants need to be specially treated towards the establishment of the concept. ORBEET attempted to involve the building occupants in the project activities from the early implementation phase and through a series of workshops, demonstrations of the captured data, along with the way these were treated, anonymized, processed and stored, the project partners achieved high acceptance rates among the occupants that were directly involved in the project.

Following the evaluation process in 4 different pilot sites, a summary of OrbEEt impact towards the implementation of energy efficiency strategies is provided:

OrbEEt Impact Achieved During the Project
Overall Energy Demand Reduction = 19.0 %
• Peak Demand Reduction = 23.0 %
• Overall Reduction on CO2 emissions = 25.0 %
• Consumer Engagement and Willingness to participate > 90%
• Engagement of externals in the project’s social media channels, events, workshops, open days = over 50.000 individuals

During the lifespan of the project, emphasis has been put on the dissemination strategy and methodology in order to encourage the use of foreground and the uptake of the project’s outcomes and consequently to maximize industrial and societal impact.

It should be noted that OrbEEt dissemination plan was not static. On the contrary, it has been often updated as new opportunities for dissemination appeared. Following reviewers’ recommendation during the first project review we expanded the dissemination channels and activities performed towards the dissemination of project results. The level of dissemination spans from local workshops and demo events, participation in events and conferences, scientific publications etc.… as reported in D5.2 D5.8 and D5.9 respective; summary provided in the following section.