CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
The pilot plants will be availed with an energy monitoring system (Hardware & software). The system will monitor and record the consumption in the different processes: i.e. pretreatment, primary treatment. secondary treatment, tertiary treatment (if present) and sludge line
Online method v2Based on D3.4, the final version will be published online in the project website
Benchmark databaseWith the objective to create reference data it will be published one online database. Typical data that will show is: description of the WWTPs, type of technology, influent/ effluent analysis results, flow, annual base consumption and others.
Standardisation stakeholder workshopOrganization of a joint standardisation stakeholders workshop.
Online method v1Based on D3.3, the final version will be published online in the project website
Wastewater stakeholder workshopEvents in each of the four countries (Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Spain) with the entities belonging to the network that accept the invitation
Second version of the document. This is the version to present in the stakeholder workshop D5.3.
Enerwater methodology V1 Evaluation ReportThe first version of the method developed will be tested and validated in the WWTPs, under the presence in-situ of a group of auditors
Guidelines: best practices & technologiesDocument addressing: i) best available technologies. Including manufacturers and local providers; ii) Guide to financial schemes.
Report on standardisation activityReport on the standardisation route, the technical proposal itself and the advance reached in the consensus building process as well as future expectations after the project lifetime
Enerwater methodology V2 Evaluation ReportThe second version of the method developed will be tested and validated in the WWTPs, under the presence in-situ of a group of auditors
Enerwater methodology document V0Initial version of the methodology. Should identify the key energy parameters and the main standards that have to be considered. Also should present the different possible configurations of the water energy index.
Enerwater methodology document V1First version of the methodology. First draft of the text.
Selection of WWTPsPilot WWTP´s have been preliminary identified (section 2.1.6) and the final selection will be based on agreed criteria such as: technology, size, population served, age, ...
Enerwater Actual Energy Savings Evaluation ReportCalculation of the reduction achieved within the project in the pilot WWTPs
Enerwater methodology V3 Evaluation ReportThe final version of the method developed will be tested and validated in the WWTPs, under the presence in-situ of a group of auditors
Training reportReport of the physical meeting organized to carry out training on the methodology developed
Dissemination and exploitation planDocument including all the dissemination activities foreseen.
Enerwater methodology document V3Final version of the document. This version contains the modifications agreed on stakeholder workshop D5.3
Standardisation landscapeRevision of the existing standards and the ongoing developments in the fields related with the ENERWATER considerations and expected outputs. Moreover, the standardisation TCs working in related fields will also be identified
Recommendations for a future directiveTechnical report will be delivered and published to address the main issues present for the creation of an EU directive
Study of published energy dataDocument containing data of at least 500 WWTPs, from where best practices and best cases scenarios will be identified
The project website will allow two functions: public dissemination and project collaboration among partners in a private area within the same web
Dissemination videoA promotional video will be produced to highlight the importance of energy reduction in waste water treatment
Stefano Longo, Benedetto Mirko d’Antoni, Michael Bongards, Antonio Chaparro, Andreas Cronrath, Francesco Fatone, Juan M. Lema, Miguel Mauricio-Iglesias, Ana Soares, Almudena Hospido
Published in:
Applied Energy, Issue 179, 2016, Page(s) 1251-1268, ISSN 0306-2619
Pergamon Press Ltd.
S. Longo, A. Hospido, J.M. Lema, M. Mauricio-Iglesias
Published in:
Water Research, Issue 141, 2018, Page(s) 317-328, ISSN 0043-1354
Elsevier BV
Stefano Longo, Nicola Frison, Daniele Renzi, Francesco Fatone, Almudena Hospido
Published in:
Water Research, Issue 125, 2017, Page(s) 478-489, ISSN 0043-1354
Elsevier BV
B. M. D’Antoni, L. Stefani, E. Parelli, S. Longo, A. Soares, A. Hospido F. Fatone
Published in:
8th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, 2016
B. M. D’Antoni, L. Stefani, E. Parelli, S. Longo, A. Soares, A. Hospido F. Fatone
Published in:
IFAT Conference, 2016
IFAT (Messe)
B. M. D’Antoni, S. Longo, E. Akkersdijk,
L. Stefani, E. Parelli, F. Fatone
Published in:
IWA 13th Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems, 2016
S. Longo, B. M. D’Antoni, M. Bongards, A. Chaparro, A. Cronrath, F. Fatone, J. M. Lema, M. Mauricio-Iglesias, A. Soares, A. Hospido
Published in:
3th IWA Specialized International Conference “Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP), 2016
P. Campo, A. Soares
Published in:
3th IWA Specialized International Conference “Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP), 2016
Michael Bongards, Andreas Cronrath, Peter Kern
Published in:
IFAT Conference, 2016
IFAT (Messe)
Mauricio-Iglesias, Miguel
Published in:
Proceedings of the 5th Low Energy Wastewater Treatment Systems Conference., Issue 1, 2016
Longo, Stefano; Mauricio-Iglesias, Miguel; Lema, Juan Manuel; Hospido, Almudena
Published in:
Proceedings of 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Issue 1, 2017
World Federation of Chemical Engineering
Longo, Stefano; Mauricio-Iglesias, Miguel; Soares, Ana; Fatone, Francesco; Campo, Pablo; Hospido, Almudena; Campo
Published in:
Proceeding of 4th IWA Specialized International Conference “Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP), Issue 1, 2018
IWA - International Water Association
Mauricio-Iglesias, Miguel; Longo, Stefano; Lema, Juan Manuel; Hospido, Almudena
Published in:
Proceeding of 3th IWA Specialized International Conference “Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP), Issue 1, 2016
IWA - International Water Association
Hospido, Almudena
Published in:
Proceeding of Fostering partnerships for the implementation of best available technologies for water treatment & management in the Mediterranean, Issue 1, 2016
S. Longo, M. Mauricio-Iglesias, Lema, J.M., A. Hospido
Published in:
Proceedings of Frontiers in Wastewater Treatment and Modelling (FICWTM 2017), 2017
S. Longo, M. Mauricio-Iglesias, A. Hospido
Published in:
Proceedings of Performance Indicators Conference (Pi 2017), 2017
IWA - International Water Association
S. Longo, M- Chitnis, M. Mauricio-Iglesias, A. Hospido
Published in:
Proceeding of 41st IAEE International Conference (IAEE2018), 2018
IAEE - International Association of Energy Economics
S. Longo, M. Mauricio-Iglesias, A. Hospido
Published in:
Proceedings of Vodni Dnevi Simposium 2017, 2017
Vodni Dnevi
Miguel Mauricio-Iglesias, Stefano Longo, Juan M. Lema, Almudena Hospido
Published in:
FuturENVIRO, 2015, ISSN 2340-2628
Saguenay, S.L.
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