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CORDIS - EU research results

Facilitating Multi-level governance for energy efficiency


Defined data collection process document

The data collection process document comprises of a definition of required measures to be monitored, definition of the required detailed data per measure, identification of available data sources in partner countries, identification of responsible bodies and specific contact persons for data collection, and definition of data gathering process (reporting cycles, plausibility check, verification and control).

Analytical framework for mapping and analysis

The Analytical framework provides the basis for mapping existing M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms and analysing best practises in WP 1 firstly for the participating countries and secondly for all EU member states. The acquisition of the required information will be performed with the utilization of specialized developed questionnaires, while special focus will be given to the reported schemes and mechanisms within the framework of the NEEAPs. The deliverable furthermore includes a section on the scope of personal data to be collected and processed for the mapping exercise and best practice analysis together with the written opinion of the CRES data protection officer.

Country specific documents with case by case calculation values

The country specific documents with case by case calculation values comprises the definition of case-per-case reference values for the methods for each partner country as framework conditions differ around Europe. The country-specific values are determined in national stakeholder processes.

Synthesis report: Areas of improvement of coordination mechanism

The synthesis report focuses on identifying areas for improvement in coordination mechanism for multi-level governance in the partner countries. It will focus on how the distribution of knowlege on energy efficiency, the development of new knowledge, accountability and incentives directed to the real action level is currently being organised.

Country reports: Concrete proposals for multilevel governance coordination

Based on the gaps identified in D.3.1 and best practices analysed in WP 1 concrete proposals for multi-level governance coordination will be presented in this deliverable. The proposals are adapted to each country's specific situation, but also based on an overall common methodology.

Synthesis report on European best practices for M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms

The Synthesis report provides information regarding the best practices for M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms analysed in Task 1.3. Details for the selected best practices will be summarized and presented in a excel-based inventory database.

Guidebook for workshops

The guidebook for workshops is developed for partner country workshops in Task 3.3 with individuals and institutions that can play a strategic role for in the development of more effective energy efficiency . It is prepared as an input to the workshops and is translated into the local languages of the partner countries.

Synthesis report on Country Workshops

The synthesis report on Country Workshops describes general approaches, experiences and results of the workshops in the frame of Task 3.3.

Synthesis report on M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms in EU countries

The synthesis report records the the results of the mapping and analysis of the existing M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms in EU countries according to the developed analytical framework of Task 1.1. The focus lies on how the established energy efficiency plans are monitored and reported upon. The mapping of the existing M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms will be performed for all EU member states utilizing the specialised questionnaire, developed in Task 1.1. The analysis of the existing M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms for the participating countries will be performed according to the reporting template, developed in Task 1.1.

Training workshop material (local languages)

The deliverable comprises of the translation (and if necessary adaption) of the training material produced in D.2.5 into the local languages of the particpating countries.

Training workshop material (English)

The training workshop material (English) will be developed in Task 2.4 and incorporates the results from tasks 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. The detailed content and training design is defined according to the different needs in partner countries.

Document with general formulae of bottom-up methods

In this deliverable fundamental formulae for bottom-up calculation methods for energy efficiency measures and selected decentralised renewables technologies (PV, solar…) in all end-use sectors is defined building on existing methodologies developed for the Energy Services Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive.

Final conference in Vienna

A final conference will be held in month 28 in Vienna to bring together the selected target groups and present the main outputs and findings of the project. The conference will be organized together with the Energy Community Secretariat involving high-ranking participants not only from EU member states but from the Energy Community members of South-East and East Europe.


Coordination Mechanisms in Energy Efficiency at EU Level: Analysis of Best Practices and Formulation of Policy Recommendations

Author(s): C. Tourkolias
Published in: REMOO-2017 «Energy for tomorrow», 2017
Publisher: C. Tourkolias

Comparative analysis of the existing M&V schemes and coordination mechanism in energy efficiency at EU level

Author(s): C. Tourkolias
Published in: World Sustainable Energy Days 2017, 2017
Publisher: C. Tourkolias

Monitoring and Verification Schemes – best practices in EU

Author(s): C. Tourkolias
Published in: Energy Efficiency Data Management, 2017
Publisher: C. Tourkolias

"Progress and results of the transnational project ""Facilitating Multi-level governance for energy efficiency (multEE)"" of the EU Research and Inovation Programm Horizon 2020"

Author(s): R. Skema, V. Gaigalis, J. Valaitiene
Published in: Power Engineering, Issue 2017.T.63 N.1, 2017
Publisher: Lithuanian Academy of Science

Energy efficiency policy governance in a multi-level administration structure — evidence from Germany

Author(s): Marc Ringel
Published in: Energy Efficiency, 2016, ISSN 1570-646X
Publisher: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s12053-016-9484-1

The new EU program “Horizon 2020” started the interna-tional project “Facili-tating Multi-level governance for energy efficiency (multEE).”

Author(s): Vygandas Gaigalis
Published in: Energetika, Issue T61, No 2, 2015, 2015, Page(s) i-iiii, ISSN 0235-7208
Publisher: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

EU scientific research and innovation pro-gram “Horizon 2020” started international project “Facilitating Multi-level govern-ance for energy effi-ciency (multEE).”

Author(s): Romualdas Škėma
Published in: Journal “Thermal Technology”, Issue No. 3, 2015 (No. 64), 2015, Page(s) 19-20, ISSN 1392-4346
Publisher: Lithuanian District Heat-ing Associa-tion (LDHA) and Lithuanian Thermotech-nical Engi-neer’s Society (LITES)

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