CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Organisation or participation to national events at least once in each participating country. Monitored by a template (English) and national (modified) presentations and event programme. M12 – M28 – Agenda and list of delegates to be provided
EU conferences appearancesPresentation of the project activities at international meetings. Agenda and invitation to be provided.
1st Press Release after the Launch Conference. Main language English and three other additional languages.
2nd NewsletterSecond Newsletter after the interim report. Main Language English and translations in three other languages.
2nd Press Release2nd Press Release after the Final Conference. Main language English and three other additional languages.
Summary of impact LEDSummary of impact of WP LED
Summary of impact PrintersSummary of impact of the WP Printers
Adoption Best Practice Guidelines 1Mid-term results of the monitoring of the adoption of the Best Practice Guidelines
Final publishable reportOverview of the project achievements, analysis and trends, including only the information which can be made available to the general public.
Adoption Best Practice Guidelines 2Final results of the monitoring of the adoption of the Best Practice Guidelines
3rd NewsletterThird Newsletter after selection of the test laboratories and the sampling activities. Main Language English and translations in three other languages.
Communication planCommunication Plan to be delivered in month 2. An update will take place in month 15 and the second version will replace the outdated deliverable from month 2.
1st Newsletter1st Newsletter after the kick-off of the WP5, 6, 7. Main Language English and translations in three other languages.
4th NewsletterFourth newsletter after the receipt of the test results for the WP4, 5, 6. Main Language English and translations in three other languages.
Summary of impact HeatersSummary of impact of the WP Heaters
Best Practice GuidelinesAn updated version of the Best Practice Guidelines
Creation of an e-learning module based on the updated training modules. Publication on the website and making it available for participants.
Advertisement of the trainingAdvertisement of the trainings both at EU and national/local levels
Project WebsiteSpecific project website introducing all its publicly available activities. In English. To be established within 6 months after the start of the project, and remain available for at least 3 years after the project.
Social media presenceLive discussions on Tweeter about the project, its results and events. The tweets will be collected and stored as a live story on Storify, which will be constantly updated throughout the project’s life spam. (M1-M28)
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