CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Draft guidance summarised in the form of a 120 page guidance report
SEI assets methodologyA complete guidance document integrating Deliverables 2.1 and Deliverables 2.3 on “SEI Assets Methodology for Investors”.
SEI Roadmap and Targets for FIA 120-page report titled “SEI Roadmaps and targets for Financial Institutions”, composed of Deliverables 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.4.
Report on consultationsAt least 20 high-level consultations at EU, French, German and UK levels from the publication of Deliverable 6.2.1 to the end of the project.
SEI assets methodology (beyond corporate)A 50-60 page guidance document on defining SEI assets beyond corporate.
Turning roadmaps into targets30-page chapter on financing and investment targets for different types of financial institutions (based on tasks 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3).
Report on road-tests and trainings (portfolio)Road-tests with at least ten financial organisations on the draft methodology developed in Task 3.1
Action PapersAt least 10 5 page action papers on integrating deliverables into ongoing policy discussions at EU level.
SEI portfolio metrics methodology (draft)A draft 40-50 page guidance document plus technical annexes on “SEI portfolio metrics methodology”.
Financial policies recommendationsA 30-40 page research report on “Implications of SEI metrics and tools for financial policies”
Adapting and extending existing energy roadmaps- 60-page chapter with two sections on “Adapting energy investment scenarios to financial institutions” and “Extending energy investment roadmaps”. The chapter will constitute the first chapter of the Deliverable 1.5 report on “SEI Roadmaps and Targets for FIs”.
Risk/returns of SEI investingA 40-50 page report on the financial performance of SEI portfolio strategies
Carbon/climate data needs for investorsA 30-page report on the “Carbon/Climate Data Needs for Investors”. The report is planned as a feasibility study for updating the CDP questionnaire based on the project.
SEI portfolio metricsThe final guidance report (40-50 pages) on “SEI Portfolio Metrics”, integrating the results of the road-tests (Deliverable 3.2).
Trainings on climate standardsAt least three training sessions in France, the UK, and Germany on the guidance documents developed in WP2.
SEI/Carbon Data and standards for investorsFinal report for the WP4, integrating insights from Deliverables 4.1 and 4.3
State-of-the-art review of climate standards20-30 page report on state-of-the-art of climate accounting for investors, referencing the work and implications of the impact associated with Task 4.2.1 and Task 4.2.2.
Report on road-tests and trainings (assets)20-30 road-tests among the target groups for the road-tests of the guidance developed in Deliverable 2.1 In addition, the final Deliverable 2.4 of the WP will integrate the insights from the road-tests into the update of the guidance developed in Task 2.1 (Deliverable 2.1).
Integration of SEI metrics into a portfolio optimization tool.
SEI benchmark indexA series of investable benchmark indices whose diversification reflects the investment needs of a 2° C economy.
Additional deliverable 3.4: The code (programmed in R) allows the automatisation of portfolio assessments using the methodology developed in WP 3. This deliverable has been added due to the unexpectedly high demand for portfolio assessments by investors and the need to automate the process in order to be able to respond to the demand and to reduce time needed for each portfolio assessment.
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