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High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BEVSTREAM (High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions)

Période du rapport: 2014-11-01 au 2015-04-30

Hiperbaric is a Spanish SME leader in the designing, manufacturing and commercialization of High Pressure Processing (HPP) machines on an industrial scale. HPP is an innovative processing technology for many types of foods (meat, seafood, vegetables, fruit products…) with an important growing potential over the traditional techniques such as thermal pasteurization. This non thermal process, also called Cold Pressure Technology, inactivates microorganisms thanks to pressures up to 600 MPa (6000 bar or 87,000 psi), increasing food safety and shelf-life, keeping flavor, nutrients and product freshness.
Phase 1 of Bevstream project has consisted on the elaboration of a feasibility report regarding a new business line to be developed by Hiperbaric: the commercialization of highly productive HPP machines to boost the penetration of HPP technology in important markets such as the beverage market (1000 billion liters in 2013) that requires very high productivity levels per machine. Hiperbaric’s HPP innovation will mean increasing productivity, lowering processing costs and energy consumption and facilitating the installation and integration of HPP technology within beverage production lines.
To elaborate the feasibility assessment several aspects have been taken into account to ensure the viability of the new business, to estimate the resources required to implement it and to quantify the existing business opportunity and the potential impact in the company and its customers. The feasibility report includes a business plan and covers technical, IPR, market and economical issues. The main outcomes of the work done during phase 1 can be summarized as it is technically feasible, freedom to operate is guaranteed and several market segments have been identified within the huge potential market.
The positive results obtained in the abovementioned phase 1 have led Hiperbaric to apply for the next call in SME Instrument Phase 2 in order to take advantage of the great business opportunity that will increase significantly Hiperbaric turnover and staff in a relatively short period of time. Twenty-four months’ time have been estimated for phase 2 implementation and business take off is scheduled for early 2018, when the new product will be ready to be commercialized.
Hiperbaric HPP machine.