An EU Parliament magazine special supplement on tackling pancreatic cancer ‘Making a Difference’ (November 2014) identified pancreatic cancer as representing a critical public health challenge for which EU institutions, together with the member states, should take urgent measures, with early diagnosis being prioritised. Pancreatic cancer is the only cancer for which mortality is predicted to increase in both men and women in 2015 and beyond. It has been predicted that pancreatic cancer will be the second greatest cause of cancer death by 2020. With few effective treatment options available for pancreatic cancer, the resulting 5-year survival rates are among the lowest at <5%, of any cancer. The high mortality rate of pancreatic cancer is due primarily to lack of specific symptoms, so patients present with advanced metastatic disease, making the cancer inoperable. The development of effective screening tests, preferably a blood based biomarker, to identify patients at an earlier stage of pancreatic cancer may improve outcomes and increase survival. The objective was to create a clinical development and business plan for the commercialisation of a pancreatic cancer screening test for high risk individuals.