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Aurelia Turbines – proof of concept for very high efficient small gas turbine

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EFFGT (Aurelia Turbines – proof of concept for very high efficient small gas turbine)

Reporting period: 2014-10-01 to 2015-03-31

SME’s play a crucial role in developing solutions to make the energy system more efficient in a sustainable way. The gas turbines to be built by Aurelia will provide a cost effective and competitive platform for high efficient power and heat generation from different fuel sources and supports the legal base of the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’. The easy recovery of excess heat from clean exhaust gases makes the gas turbine well suitable for almost any combined heat and power (CHP) application. This gas turbine has the possibility to be a real game changer of the decentralized power generation and CHP.

The EFFGT project aimed to develop a feasibility study and all the elements needed for a comprehensive business plan for the company. The company is commercialising technology developed by Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) – small scale gas turbine with an output of 450 kW and electrical efficiency up to 45.8 %. In the project, a strong focus was given to determine the end-customer needs and expectations, sales network, cost structure and overall financial planning of the company.
The work in EFFGT project was successfully completed and it included meetings with end customers, presentation and discussions in one end customer forum, candidate distributor meetings/interviews, and discussions with project investors and auditor. The comprehensive, automated and assumptions based business planning model was created and this will be an essential tool of the company’s business planning in the future.
The comprehensive, automated and assumptions based business planning tool will help the company to predict and plan the future sales, and therefore better anticipate customer demand in a changing business environment. The discussions with distributors and end customers helped the company to understand the business models needed in order to start the business. Aurelia’s products will help the EU to achieve its energy efficiency targets and as the most markets reside outside the EU, the company will be enhancing the EU’s export structure.