Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Briareo (Implementation of a vertical axis micro-wind turbine capable of working at high efficiency even at a low wind speed.)
Reporting period: 2014-10-01 to 2015-01-31
Briareo project has been proposed by 2 Italian SMEs, Arken SpA and Gymnotus SaS, who have strictly cooperated on the concept, design, prototype development and test of the innovative micro-wind turbine since the beginning, equally sharing the IP ownership, which will be licensed to a NewCo, Briareo Srl.
The Briareo micro-wind turbine is based on an “IKEA-like” concept: it can be purchased of-the-shelf and it is an easily self-assembled device. Briareo micro wind turbine does not produce much noise, it is small and can be installed in most places, with no need for any certification.
Considering Briareo’s target market, they are willing to develop direct sales channel (Direct Online Sales on the company website), but also strong sales channels with several categories of distributors Briareo Srl will start selling in UK and Italy for the first year and will enter Finland and France in the second year and
Norway and Germany on the third year.
Another outcome of the technological assessment has been the understanding that the high manufacturability of Briareo allows the use of the low cost rotational moulding industrial process.
Furthermore it has been performed an in depth market analysis including: analysis of Market Barriers, Regulations, Benchmark, SWOT Analysis.
A detailed Developments and Implementation Plan has been carried out with a focus on: Operations, Employment, Risk analysis.
A full Commercialization Plan and Finalcial Plan, comprehensive of Marketing and Communication Strategy, Sales Forecast (Profit and Loss (P&L), Cash Flow, Break Even Point).
Last, an IP strategy has been devised to ensure that the BRIAREO wind turbine technology can quickly get onto the European market and it is focused on obtaining exploitable IP which supports the features which differentiate the BRIAREO wind turbine proposition now and in the future and seeks to minimise the threat to NewCo of third party IP.