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Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities (IEC) in EU conflict prevention


The improvement of the effectiveness of EU capabilities

Task 7.1 elaborates findings from comparative study to create a clear lessons learned-document with specific focus on cross-cutting themes. The document will compile both analysis of EU mission effectiveness and more general lessons learned as well identify potential conclusions and recommendations about the effectiveness.

Balkans: Conclusion report

Based on the earlier products under WP2 (reviews, study field visits, and lessons identified at the round table), a Conclusion Report on the current assessment of police and customs in Kosovo and armed forces in BiH – the main beneficiaries of both EU CSDP missions in the Balkans – will be prepared. The review will provide the general introductory part of the report, whereas the study visit findings supplement this information and form the primary substance of the report. Additionally, these findings are further verified and refined into concrete lessons identified and best practises through the roundtable event, which facilitates the forming of recommendations part of the report for future action. The report will comprise of: i) an introduction to the general context and more specifically to SSR processes in the area, ii) an assessment of the current status of the researched institutions (Kosovo: police and customs; BiH: armed forces), iii) an assessment of the impact of EU engagement in this field, iv) the identified way forward, v) the conclusions and recommendations.

Project Management Handbook

The project management handbook will support the future projects. • administrative matters, coordination within consortium and support to all beneficiaries • administrative reports to the Commission • financial management (accounting, cost statement preparation, distribution of grant cost monitoring) • legal issues regarding to the project • agreed rules for intellectual property information • quality assurance of the project deliverables • periodic reporting and communication with EC • communication procedures with IECEU consortium • ethical issues and critical risks

Afghanistan review

The review on the current situation of Afghanistan will be conducted, at the first instance, primarily through a desk study focusing on literature (research articles, studies and other publications), relevant UN resolutions and EU documents and how the mission is supporting the reform process towards a trusted police service working within the framework of the rule of law and respect of human rights.This phase will also include consultations with relevant (EU) experts, but this work will be conducted more thoroughly as part of Task 4.3. The Afghanistan Review will comprise approximately 15 to 25 pages and include an introduction to the context (regional and the Afghanistan situation), a baseline assessment that merited the EU engagement in this field and a presentation of the current and actors, as well as international support and actors to this field) with an overall assessment , based on the existing literature and official documents, of EU contributions supporting the reform process towards a trusted police service working within the framework of the rule of law and respect of human rights.

Africa: Discussion report (best practices)

D3.6 is lessons identified report based on the expert discussion (round table) for further dissemination and to be included in the final report of the WP3. D3.6 will include the lessons identified and best practices from EU (and other international) engagement in support of providing stability and security for the region.

Design and development processes of the NMLA

D5.2 will establish the design and development processes of New Media Learning Application (NMLA) and conduct the work related task 5.2. Development process: 1) the requirements and specification analysis, 2) to develop and code the actual platform, 3) testing 4) implementing and piloting it.

IECEU conceptual framework

D1.5 Conceptual Framework will be the guide for the project work regarding case study implementation. D1.5 will be based on collaborative conceptual framework creation and Steering Committee and Advisory Board approval. The results of the workshop and the conceptual framework will then go through processes of peer review. The Conceptual Framework will include the Ethical Guidelines for IECEU. 1. Key shared themes and additional new themes to explore 2. Different levels of analysis and specifying their relative importance 3. Creating specific, unified methods, including: actors to be interviewed, interview questions 4. Relevant cross-cutting themes and incorporating them into the methodology 5. Unified mechanisms of delivery so that all data from case studies is comparable.

Balkans: Discussion report (best practices)

D2.4 is a discussion report which is based on the roundtable discussions. The discussion gathers the findings of the review of both Balkan countries (D2.1, D2.2 and D2.3), where the EU CSDP missions are deployed. The aim is to prepare the lessons-identified report (discussion report) for further dissemination. This report would also be included in the final report of WP4.

Identifying the success factors (indicators)

D1.4 will provide a deeper understanding of the concrete factors furthering the effectiveness and impact of the crisis management missions and operations in the field. Identification of the key issues related to successful coordination and cooperation between the actors can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the crisis management efforts in the field of SSR in terms of usage of the resources and achievement of the mission objectives. Once 'effectiveness' has been defined along these lines (including both what was achieved and the way in which it was achieved, including the internal EU perspective as well as the external conflict perspective), a set of 'effectiveness criteria' will be developed to allow us in later WPs to (a) examine different types as well as levels of effectiveness in individual missions, (b) compare these across several missions and regions, (c) draw lessons from past missions to future missions and (d) consider whether 'pooling and sharing' or other such measures can increase effectiveness in this regard. The Task1.4 will consider whether (categories of) conditions - necessary and/or conducive - to effectiveness in civilian conflict prevention and capacity building missions conducted by the EU can be identified, internally within the Union and/or externally outside the EU at the local, national, regional and international levels in which the missions are deployed.

Bosnia and Herzegovina review

The study will assess the impact and achievements of ALTHEA (the military operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina), especially from the perspective of capacity-building of the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AfBiH), which is one of the primary responsibilities of ALTHEA. The study will identify the successes and potential shortcomings in the implementation of the mandate of the mission; with a view to identifying progress made in the reform processes within the AfBiH. Such assessment, through the engagement of the military operation ALTHEA, will allow the identification and analysis of best practices, lessons identified and drawbacks from EU engagement in SSR activities in BiH. It will include an analysis of the existing practices for pooling and sharing. One part of research within this task will be focused on the representatives of local institutions (personnel of AfBih), who are main beneficiaries of the programmes and trainings of ALTHEA. Combining both perspectives (the perspective of representatives of ALTHEA vis-a-vis local institution (AfBiH) & the perspective of the representatives of AfBih vis-a-vis programmes of ALTHEA) will be needed to increase the efficiency of EU future actions, to increase legitimacy of this CSDP mission, and last, but not least, will prove useful when planning and designing potential future EU engagements in BiH and elsewhere, when the EU military operations are in question. The desk study will assess the current situation and contribution by to the overall security and stability of BiH. The study will identify the successes and potential shortcomings in the implementation of the mandates of the missions and also to elaborate on the existing practices for pooling and sharing.

Libya review

D3.4 is a review of research done in task 3.4: The research will assess the contribution by EU CSDP mission EUBAM Libya to the overall security of the State of Libya. The study will identify challenges and lessons in the implementation of the mandates of the mission and also to elaborate on the expectations for European action by the Libyan officials. After the end of Gaddafi's rule 2011 and free elections in 2012 that gave the power to General National congress the country has faces severe challenges with regard to security and stability. Thus in May 2013, the EU launched its CSDP mission in Libya, with the objective of supporting the Libyan authorities in improving and developing the security of the country's borders. EUBAM Libya's initial mandate is for two years. The study evaluates how EUBAM Libya has achieved its set of goals and what are the lessons identified

The potential for pooling and sharing the EU capabilities

Based on the WP6 tasks and earlier deliverables, D6.5 will provide the description of the potential for pooling and sharing the capabilities in future in terms of the future threats and challenges.

South Sudan review

The study will assess the contribution by EUAVSEC South Sudan to the overall security and stability of South Sudan. The study will identify the successes and potential shortcomings in the implementation of the mandates of the missions and also to elaborate on the expectations for European action by the South Sudanese officials. After gaining independence from Sudan in July 2011, the country faces severe challenges with regard to security and stability. Thus, in June 2012, the EU launched its first CSDP mission in South Sudan, EUAVSEC South Sudan, with the objective of establishing the necessary legislative and institutional basis for South Sudan to reach a level of national aviation security in accordance with international standards as well as developing security at Juba International Airport.

Standardisation review: Comparing the analysis

In WP6 the analysis and reports from different case study areas will be compared and the comparability report will be established. This review identifies the current framework and practices of pooling and sharing of EU-capabilities and will take one case study and identify if and how this could have benefitted from pooling and sharing of capabilities.

Review: from short term stabilisation to long term peacebuilding

D1.1 reviews the up-to-date information and a desk study of policy paper analysis. D1.1 addresses the work done in task 1.1. The deliverable will include the descriptions of: 1) EU policy priorities and their development (especially future needs), 2) potentials for supporting long-term peacebuilding instead of short-term stabilisation by increasing synergies between civil and military components in EU crisis management 3) tieing EU policy priorities to global security analysis and potential future threats; more specifically in response to individual-based security threats including terrorism and radicalization 4) analysing potential of more effective SSR-processes, which are not only core in most EU missions but already incorporate civilian and military perspectives, 5) finding potentials for long-term peacebuilding with reference to case studies in the research, The review will analyse the expert discussions held in panel.

New Policy Approaches and solutions (including research priorities)

The outcome of the task 7.2 dialogue will be written down in a document, summarising new policy approaches and solutions identified during the dialogue and making recommendations for further steps.

Study Report of RD Congo, South Sudan, CAR and Libya

D3.5 is a report of the study conducted in task 3.5. The field study visits will be conducted in order to gain first-hand experience, primarily through interviews with personnel of the missions and operations (such as, EU delegation to South Sudan, former members of EUAVSEC South Sudan, UN Mission in South Sudan as well as other international organizations in the field). The visit also aims to study the opinion of key local counterparts (for example Government of South Sudan, South Sudanese think tankers as well as experts from South Sudan), as regards the impact, and added value, of the EU missions on the ground. The field visit will be of utmost importance when assessing the impact of the EU engagement in support of security and stability to DR Congo, South Sudan, CAR and Libya. The report will cover the outcomes of the data collection from the field study visits.

Identification of the overlap

The overlap between civilian and military efforts is one critical point when assessing the potential for pooling and sharing. The review is based on the earlier provided analyses and reports, the gaps and overlaps between civilian and military capabilities will be identified and potential/possibilities will be discussed in Online platform (implemented in task 8.2) with the Integration and Advisory Integration Group as one Policy level discussion.

Discussion report (Palestine Territory and Afghanistan)

"The event, and the following report (5 to 10 pages) will on one hand ""validate"" the findings of the review and study, or alternatively offer supplementary considerations to be taken into account, and on one hand facilitate the identification of most crucial conclusions and recommendations; to be utilised in the final report. The Discussion report will be a product of the roundtable discussion where the findings and assessment of SSR in the Palestinian Territories and in Afghanistan will be discussed and further elaborated. The event, and the following report (5 to 10 pages) will on one hand ""validate"" the findings of the review and study, or alternatively offer supplementary considerations to be taken into account, and on one hand facilitate the identification of most crucial conclusions and recommendations; to be utilised in the final report."

Middle East and Asia: Concusion Report

Based on the earlier products under WP4 (reviews, study field visits, and lessons identified at the round table), a Conclusion Report on the current assessment of effectiveness of the capabilities in the Palestine Territory and Afghanistan – will be prepared. The review will provide the general introductory part of the report, whereas the study visit findings supplement this information and form the primary substance of the report. Additionally, these findings are further verified and refined into concrete lessons identified and best practices through the roundtable event, which facilitates the forming of recommendations part of the report for future action. The report will comprise of: i) an introduction to the general context, ii) an assessment of the current status of the researched institutions, iii) an assessment of the impact of EU engagement in this field, iv) the identified way forward, v) the conclusions and recommendations.

Evaluation report

D5.5 is an evaluation report assessing the 1) NMLA development process and the actual application 2) Feedback related NMLA Hanbook 3) Feedback related held Training of the Trainers

Conference agenda and feedback report

D8.6 is based on the task 8.5 and Conference Feedback. It will also include all the dissemination and exploitation activities (based on planned beginning of the project) from whole duration of IECEU.

Dissemination plan

The value of the project is founded on what impact its outcome will have on stakeholders with regards to lessons learnt. The aim of the dissemination plan is to ensure that all the stakeholders, organisations, institutes and actors are taken into account. Dissemination Plan will include the topics such as: 1) Introduction 2) Dissemination Methodology 3) Dissemination Tools 4) Dissemination activities 5) Publications and Articles 6) Reporting and Recording Dissemination

Palestine Territory review

The review on the current situation of SSR in the Palestinian Territories will be conducted, at the first instance, primarily through a desk study focusing on literature (research articles, studies and other publications), relevant UN resolutions and EU documents and other international agreements relating to the background of the Middle East Peace Process and in particular to the arrangements regarding the security arrangements in the Palestinian Territories. This phase will also include consultations with relevant (EU) experts, but this part will be conducted more thoroughly as part of Task 4.3. CMC Finland, who will prepare the review together with NUIM. The Palestinian Territories Review will comprise approximately 15 to 25 pages and include an introduction to the context (regional, the Palestinian Territories, and overall situation within the security sector), a baseline assessment that merited the EU engagement in this field and a presentation of the current SSR context (national security structures, arrangements and actors, as well as international support and actors to this field) with an overall assessment, based on the existing literature and official document, of the status of SSR in the Palestinian Territories.

Africa: Conclusion report

Based on the earlier products under WP3 (reviews, study field visits, and lessons identified at the round table), a Conclusion Report on the current assessment of the effectiveness of EU capabilities and the potential for pooling and sharing will be prepared. The review will provide the general introductory part of the report, whereas the study visit findings supplement this information and form the primary substance of the report. Additionally, these findings are further verified and refined into concrete lessons identified and best practises through the roundtable event, which facilitates the forming of recommendations part of the report for future action. The report will comprise of: i) an introduction to the general context and more specifically to SSR processes in the area, ii) an assessment of the current status of the researched instittions , iii) an assessment of the impact of EU engagement in this field, iv) the identified way forward, v) the conclusions and recommendations.

Study Report of Palestine Territory and Afghanistan

The study report, approximately 20 to 35 pages, will include an introduction (based on the review) to the context, an assessment of the current state of SSR, and further challenges, in the Palestinian Territories and Afghanistan, an assessment of the impact of EU actions and support to this field, and a primary set of conclusions and recommendations for developing the future action both in the region/area as well as on a wider level. Building on the review, prepared as part of Task 4.1 and 4.2., on SSR in the Palestinian Territories and in Afghanistan, a field study visit will be conducted to the Palestinian Territories and Afghanistan. During the visit to the Palestinian Territories, interviews will be conducted with senior level officials of EUPOL COPPS, EUBAM Rafah, the US Security Coordinator and selected EU Member State representatives, engaged in the support of reform of the Palestinian security sector; as well as with local counterparts representing the Palestinian Civil Police and Palestinian Criminal Justice Institutions, in order to deepen the assessment of the desk study (on the current state of SSR), and to gather experiences gained through EU and international engagement in this field.

RD Congo review

The research will assess the contribution by EUSEC and EUPOL to the overall security and stability of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The study will identify the achievements and shortcomings in the missions and also to elaborate on the expectations for European action by the Congolese officials.

Analysis of the current preventive activities

The deliverable is a summary of/the outline and status of current relevant preventive activities under the European Union External Action Service; including both relevant EU policies and instruments of early warning and short and long-term conflict prevention instruments. The preventive activities will be identified including pooling and sharing; the goal is both to identify areas of further strengthening of EU capabilities and to increase knowledge of the member states how they can support the EU in this regard. The results of the Online Workshop discussions will be established.

Review of civilian and military synergies

The key issues arising from the analyses related to civil- military synergy and potential of pooling and sharing the capabilities will be further analyzed through Web-based expert- panel discussion. Key policy making actors (e.g. the EEAS, the EU Member states MoD and MoF, other stakeholders) and practitioners (e.g. organisations responsible for recruitment and training the mission personnel, Head of the missions and operations) will be the main contributors of the panel- discussion. All the considered aspects of task 1.3 will be analysed for the deliverable.

Central African Republic review

D3.3 is a review based on the study of task 3.3: The study will assess the achievements and potential shortfalls of the past and ongoing crisis management missions in the field of SSR. Development of SSR in CAR requires cooperation and coordination with different international, bilateral and local actors and thereby the potential information and coordination gaps must be identified. Due to the major engagement of the United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU) will the cooperation and coordination between EU, UN and AU and the integration of the different actors and missions be an important viewpoint for the study. The development and coordination of the ongoing EU Military Operation (EUFOR RCA) UN Multidimensional Mission (MINUSCA) and African Union mission (MISCA), as well as a UN civilian and police operation (MINURCAT) and a European Union military operation (EUFOR Tchad/RCA) in 2008- 2009, be approached in the study. The impacts of those SSR efforts are assessed by identifying whether the mission objectives have been met including all the different SSR components into the assessment. To have a better understanding of the desired end-state of SSR in CAR will the analyses of the local and international visions of SSR be included in the study. This is to provide a deeper insight of the appropriate instruments to be used to achieve these long term visions. In addition gap analysis will be used to assess the needs in relation to available resources and capacity in the field to provide a deeper understanding of the concrete obstacles and opportunities affecting on the efficiency of implementation of mandates at the operational level. To gain comprehensive understanding of the critical points related to reformation will the assessment cover the viewpoints of 1) the locals, local authorities and regional actors such as African Union (AU), 2) international actors such as United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) as well as 3) the Political Actors. The comprehensive approach enables to have a deeper understanding of the concrete factors furthering the effectiveness and impact of the crisis management missions in the field of SSR. Identification of the key issues related to successful coordination and cooperation between the actors can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the crisis management efforts in the field of SSR in terms of usage of the resources and achievement of the mission objectives.

Website and online discussion board

The website will also assure sustainability of the project since it will encompass all relevant information about the project, its activities, results and findings. The website will include the secure internal website for consortium use. The objective is to keep the ongoing activities of the project visible to the audience and also to engage the main partners in an interactive approach, to receive a relevant feedback. Maintain of website: Laurea The creation of Online Discussion Board will be a platform that will be used in WP tasks (expert discussions, policy dialogues etc.). The implementation of the knowledge will be ensured by Online Discussions held part of different tasks. Maintainance of Online Discussion Board: Laurea

The effectiveness of EU capabilities and current situation of pooling and sharing

The comparative review will consolidate findings from the case studies to establish a foundation for further analysis as well as unified lessons learned for the case studies. The comparative review of analysed case studies has three main parts. It will: 1) review the case study findings and analyse and compare the final findings of the case studies 2) compare interview answers from all three case studies to find and emphasize themes raised in the case studies 3) analyse the results of quantitative survey 4) analyse effectiveness of EU missions (ROS)


The European Union Border Assistance Mission in Libya – successes, shortcomings and lessons identified

Author(s): Gitte Højstrup Christensen Jyrki Ruohomäki Annemarie Peen Rodt
Published in: RDDC Brief, 2018, ISBN 978-87-7147-217-2
Publisher: RDDC

EU Police Mission and EU Mission for Security Sector Reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Successes, Shortcomings and Lessons Identified

Author(s): Gitte Højstrup Christensen Thomas Mandrup
Published in: RDDC Brief, 2018, ISBN 978-87-7147-221-9
Publisher: RDDC

Successes and Shortfalls of European Union Common Security and Defence Policy Missions in Africa: Libya, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic

Author(s): Gitte Højstrup Christensen Arnold Kammel Elisa Nervanto Jyrki Ruohomäki Annemarie Peen Rodt
Published in: RDDC Brief, 2018, ISBN 978-87-7147-216-5
Publisher: RDDC

The European Union’s Aviation Security Mission in South Sudan

Author(s): Gitte Højstrup Christensen Arnold Kammel Annemarie Peen Rodt
Published in: RDDC Brief, 2018, ISBN 978-87-7147-218-9
Publisher: RDDC

The European Union’s Military Operation in the Central African Republic: Successes, Shortcomings and Lessons Identified

Author(s): Gitte Højstrup Christensen Elisa Norvanto Thomas Mandrup
Published in: RDDC Brief, 2018, ISBN 978-87-7147-220-2
Publisher: RDDC

Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities (IEC) in EU conflict prevention

Author(s): Hyttinen, Kirsi Hario, Pasi Österlund, Peter
Published in: Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities (IEC) in EU conflict prevention, Issue Laurea Julkaisut 86, 2017, ISBN 978-951-799-477-4
Publisher: Laurea ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

Project Management Handbook

Author(s): Hyttinen, Kirsi
Published in: Laurea Julkaisut, Issue 76, 2017, ISBN 978-951-799-452-1
Publisher: Laurea ammattikokorkeakoulu Oy

Analysing the effectiveness of EUFOR Althea Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Author(s): Ivana Boštjančič Pulko, Meliha Muherina, Nina Pejič
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Centre for Security Studies

EUFOR Althea: o (ne)efikasnosti operacije za upravljanje krizom u Bosni i Hercegovini

Author(s): Ivanan Boštjančič Pulko, Meliha Muherina, Nina Pejič
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Centre for Security Studies

Trajni uticaj EULEKS-a? Analiza efikasnosti misije EU na Kosovu

Author(s): Ivana Boštjančič Pulko, Rok Zupančič, Nina Pejič
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Belgrade Centre for Security Policy

IECEU´s Five Findings from the Comparative Analysis of EU´s Crisis Management

Author(s): Maria Mekri, Kari Paasonen
Published in: SaferGlobe Policy Brief, Issue 3/2017, 2017, ISBN 978-952-6679-12-9
Publisher: SaferGlobe

Developing EU´s Crisis Management: Focus on Personnel

Author(s): Maria Mekri, Kari Paasonen
Published in: SaferGlobe Policy Brief, Issue 1/2018, 2018, ISBN 978-952-6679-22-8
Publisher: SaferGlobe

An article based on the research of EULEX Kosovo in the IECEU project framework

Author(s): University of Ljubljana and Centre for European Perspective (CEP)
Published in: Magazine Slovenska vojska, Issue August 2016, 2016
Publisher: Magazine Slovenska vojska

IECEU on Laurean koordinoima hanke

Author(s): Vuorivirta, Ilpo.
Published in: Kehittäjä - Laurea tutkii ja kehittää 2/2016, Issue 2/2016, 2016, Page(s) 20
Publisher: Laurea University of Applied Sciences

Galavan, Robert J. 2015. Understanding Resources, Competences, and Capabilities in EU Common Security and Defence Policy (Working Paper).

Author(s): Galavan, Robert
Published in: Understanding Resources, Competences, and Capabilities in EU Common Security and Defence Policy (Working Paper), Issue 2015, 2015
Publisher: Edward M Kennedy Institute for Conflict Intervention & School of Business

Effectiveness in Operational Conflict Prevention: How Should We Measure it in EU Missions and Operations?

Author(s): Annemarie Peen Rodt
Published in: Seminar Publication on Contemporary Peace Operations – From Theory to Practice, 2017, Page(s) 97-106, ISBN 978-951-25-2945-2
Publisher: Finish International Center

Human-centered Design Model in the Development of Online Learning Tools for International Security Training - CASE IECEU New Media based Learning Application (NMLA)

Author(s): Kirsi Hyttinen
Published in: Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Issue Volume 3, 2017, Page(s) 275-282, ISBN 978-989-758-273-8
Publisher: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
DOI: 10.5220/0006559902750282

Model for Effective Integration between Research, Work Life and Higher Education in International Security Studies

Author(s): Kirsi Hyttinen, Harri Ruoslahti, Jorma Jokela
Published in: Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Issue Volume 3, 2017, Page(s) 299-306, ISBN 978-989-758-273-8
Publisher: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
DOI: 10.5220/0006588102990306


Author(s): Markko Kallonen, Ivana Boštjančič Pulko
Published in: IATED Digital Library EDULEARN17 Proceedings, Issue 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 2017, ISSN 2340-1117
Publisher: EDULEARN

Comparing the Planning Capacity of CSDP Missions: Comparative Analysis of EUFOR Althea and EULEX Kosovo

Author(s): Ivana Boštjančič Pulko
Published in: Belgrade Security Forum, Issue October 2017, 2017
Publisher: Belgrade Security Forum, Belgrade Centre for Security Policy

Comparing the Planning Capacity of CSDP Missions: Comparative Analysis of EUFOR Althea and EULEX Kosovo

Author(s): Ivana Boštjančič Pulko
Published in: 2017
Publisher: UACES – 47th Annual Conference ‘Exchanging Ideas on Europe’

Seminar publication on contemporary peace operations – from theory to practice : based on EAPTC Seminar 2-4 May 2017 Helsinki : articles from the European peace training community

Author(s): Edited: Elisa Norvanto and Hanne Dumur-Laanila
Published in: 2017, ISBN 978-951-25-2945-2
Publisher: Finnish National Defence University

The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo: An Effective Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building Mission?

Author(s): Rok Zupančič, Nina Pejič, Blaž Grilj, Annemarie Peen Rodt
Published in: Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 2017, Page(s) 1-19, ISSN 1944-8953
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.1080/19448953.2017.1407539

Analysing the Effectiveness of EUFOR Althea Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Author(s): Ivana Boštjančič Pulko, Meliha Muherina, Nina Pejič
Published in: European Perspectives - Journal on European Perspectives of the Western Balkans, Issue Volume 8 Number 2 (15) October 2016, 2016, Page(s) 87-116, ISSN 1855-7694
Publisher: Centre for European Perspective

Drawing Lessons Learnt on Operational Capabilities of EU’s CSDP Missions in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Author(s): Ivana Boštjančič Pulko, Nina Pejič
Published in: European Perspectives- Journal on European Perspectives of the Western Balkans, Issue Volume 8 Number 2 (15) October 2016, 2016, Page(s) 117-138, ISSN 1855-7694
Publisher: Centre for European Perspectives


Author(s): Ivana Boštjančič Pulko, Johanna Suhonen, Kari Sainio
Published in: Contemporary Military Challenges, Issue September 2017 – 19/Nr. 3, 2017, Page(s) 61-80, ISSN 2463-9575
Publisher: General Staf f of the Slovenian Armed Forces

The European union and the (r)evolution of its strategy of conflict prevention

Author(s): Rok Zupančič
Published in: European perspectives : journal on European perspectives of the Western Balkans, Issue Okt. 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, 2016, Page(s) 16-38, ISSN 1855-7694
Publisher: Centre for European Perspective

Assessing the planning and implementation of the EU Rule of law missions : case study of EULEX Kosovo

Author(s): Rok Zupančič, Blaž Grilj
Published in: European perspectives : journal on European perspectives of the Western Balkans, Issue Okt. 2016, vol. 8, no. 2, 2016, Page(s) 62-85, ISSN 1855-7694
Publisher: Centre for European Perspective

An uncertain future: South Africa’s national defence force caught between foreign-policy ambitions and domestic development

Author(s): Thomas Mandrup
Published in: Journal of Eastern African Studies, Issue 12/1, 2017, Page(s) 136-153, ISSN 1753-1055
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.1080/17531055.2018.1418166

How to improve EU’s conflict prevention activities to achieve longterm impact?

Author(s): Hyttinen, Kirsi. & Kallonen, Markko.
Published in: FUAS-liittouman tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovaatiotoiminta - FUAS TKI toiminnan suunta, Issue 2015, 2015, Page(s) 71-77, ISSN 2342-7507
Publisher: FUAS - Federation of Universities of Applied Sciences

The EU Border Assistance Mission in Libya: Strategic Shortcomings and Lessons Identified

Author(s): Gitte Højstrup Christensen
Published in: Improving the Effectiviness of Capabilities (IEC) in EU Conflict Prevention, Issue 86, 2017, Page(s) 32-37, ISBN 978-951-799-477-4
Publisher: Laurea Publications

Comparing Apples and Airplanes: Case Study Analysis of IECEU

Author(s): Maria Mekri
Published in: Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities (IEC) in EU Conflict Prevention, 2017, ISBN 978-951-799-477-4
Publisher: Laurea/ KopioNiini

From Managing Crisis to Building Peace: Potential for the European Union

Author(s): Maria Mekri
Published in: Ensimmäinen vastuullinen suurvalta? Ajatuksia EU:n globaalista roolista, 2018
Publisher: Eurooppalainen Suomi

Innovoiva, kansainvälinen kriisinhallinta?

Author(s): Maria Mekri
Published in: Suomi kokonaisvaltaisen kriisinhallinnan toimijana, 2018
Publisher: WISE

Institutional coherence and implementation of comprehensive approach : case: Common security and defence policy missions and operations

Author(s): Elisa Norvanto
Published in: 2016
Publisher: University of Eastern Finland

Peace Operations – Supporting Efficiency by Organization

Author(s): Kalle Kallio
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Laurea University of Applied Sciences

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