Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FASTQUANTUM (Ultrafast Sepctroscopy of Quantum Structures)
Reporting period: 2016-08-19 to 2017-08-18
During the incoming phase of the project, in the group of Prof. Mews in Hamburg, Germany, the researcher worked on the analysis of data obtained in experiments in Canada, on modelling of the investigated systems, on the fabrication and characterization of new systems, and on ultrafast spectroscopy in a new laboratory in Hamburg.
Exploitation and dissemination of the direct scientific results obtained during the project took place and will take place mainly via publications in peer-reviews journals.
Unit now, four papers were accepted. A first paper in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C on few-layer graphene sheets as highly efficient fuel-cell electrodes emerged in the Hamburg group under the supervision of the researcher during the outgoing phase. A second paper published in Langmuir reports on a new fabrication route for thin silica shells around semiconductor nanorods. The need of these was experienced by difficulties that arouse during ultrafast spectroscopy measurements on earlier nanostructures with thicker shells. A third paper published in ACS Photonics is about plasmonic nanoantennas and their influence on the charge-carrier recombination dynamics in quantum wells. A fourth paper published in ACS Nano shows the influence of surface charges on the photoluminescence energy and dynamics of semiconductor dot-in-rod nanocrystals. Ultrafast spectroscopy of dot-in-rod nanocrystals performed in Canada shined new lights on electron delocalization and gain in these structures. Results were disseminated via a conference contribution and further work should lead to a publication.
Transient absorption spectroscopy experiments performed in Hamburg on gold nanorods revealed interesting first results on the complex melting process of these structures upon optical pumping. We hope to disseminate these results in the future. The scientific results of the whole project were also disseminated in two invited seminar talks presented by the researcher.