Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BATTLE (The molecular basis of NleB-mediated bacterial virulence)
Reporting period: 2016-01-04 to 2018-01-03
BATTLE project is divided into four main objectives or aims.
1. Obtain the three dimensional structure of Nleb1 and NleB1 complexed with UDP-GlcNAc by employing macromolecular crystallography methods.
2. Obtain the three dimensional structure of NleB1 in complex with their Eukaryotic protein partner FADD-DD.
3. Characterise the Arginine GlcNacylation mechanism at functional and atomic level.
4. Start the process of designing efficient molecular probes and potential inhibitors against NleB activity with special emphasis in the search of bi-substrate inhibitory molecules."
- NleB1 was crystallised. Crystals were further optimised and good diffraction datasets were collected in the ESRF synchrotron radiation facility, Grenoble
- NleB1 protein structure was solved in complex with Mn atom coordinated by the DxD motif.
2. Obtain the three dimensional structure of NleB1 in complex with their Eukaryotic protein partner FADD-DD.
- NleB1 Structure provided the first clues about NelB1-FADD-DD interaction.
- The Critical role or FADD-DD Arginine 117 in the complex formation was shown.
- A Stable complex of Nelb1 and FADD-DD protein was obtained and purified.
3. Characterise the Arginine GlcNacylation mechanism at functional and atomic level.
- Site directed mutagenesis of NleB1 was performed to identify the key residues involved in Ump-GlcNAc transfer mechanism.
- One previously unappreciated NLeB1 residue was pointed out being critical in the GlcNAc transfer mechanism.
4. Start the process of designing efficient molecular probes and potential inhibitors against NleB activity with special emphasis in the search of bi-substrate inhibitory molecules.
- NleB1 Sugar binding properties were analysed and measured. Binding affinities and reaction kinetics were calculated.
- GlcNac analogues were tested with the aim to find better binders.
- NleB1 FAD-DD binding properties were characterised, including both full length protein and FADD-DD peptide assays.Binding Affinities were calculated.
Results obtained in points 1,2 and 3 are being prepared for being public diffused thought a multidisciplinar hight impact factor journal publications. Data obtained under the objective 4 allows the rational design of bi-substrate inhibitors by combining the sugar and the peptide components so, once available, will be delivered in specific chemical journals.
The Project has delivered the Structure of NleB1 and has finished with the biophysical characterisation of the enzyme. In addition the first attempts to cover the molecular mechanisms behind arginine GlcNAcylation and protein partner recognition have been delivered as well. However, the release of Three dimensional structures of FADD-DD and TRADD-DD complexes with NleB1 is still a pending task. To complete the picture of this interaction will allow a better understanding of the molecular process of protein partner recognition and will aid in the rational design of specific molecular probes against NleB1.
In a low time scale, the project has started the search for the optimal NleB1 inhibitor. As far as UDP-GlcNac is a promiscuous molecule expected to react with several critical hosts proteins, a more specific and directed approach by using bi-substrate inhibitors approach has been taken. Although the project wasn't able to deliver the first bi functional candidate molecules it explores the binding modes and opens the path to generate such kind of potential inhibitors. The clinical value of such a molecules is out of discussion but its has been notice during the project development that a new path to provide molecular probes to be used in molecular biology could be achievable as well.