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Mid-IR ultrabroadbaNd thulium-doped Fiber Laser sYstems


The aim of the proposed project is to develop novel configurations of the stable ultra-fast high power thulium-doped fibre laser systems mode-locked with carbon nanomaterials operating at ~2μm offering unique tool for micromachining. The Tm-doped fibre laser, with remarkable output parameters, will be used to obtain the ultra-broad supercontinuum generation in Mid-IR wavelength band extending beyond 3-9 μm. The MINDFLY project outputs will be relevant to the EU photonics industry through offering new cost-efficient technologies for stable, low-noise, ultra-high-speed, high-power ultrabroadband sources of light at Mid-IR with lower power consumption (~50%). The products transformed from the MINDFLY outputs will contribute to the enhancement of EU scientific excellence. In particular, the success of the project will lead to a number of disruptive innovations in photonics with potential application in medicine (including cancer diagnostics and optical coherence tomography), environmental sensing, optical frequency standards, and laser location services.
The Fellow – Dr. Maria Chernysheva – will be trained in the fast growing field of science, technology and industrial applications of fibre lasers and nonlinear optics, receiving access to a unique training experience at the host and secondment organizations to become a rare asset to European research.


Net EU contribution
€ 195 454,80
B4 7ET Birmingham
United Kingdom

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Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Total cost
€ 195 454,80