Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SWLCONNECTIVITY (Sheep, Wool, Landscape and Connectivity)
Reporting period: 2016-01-10 to 2018-01-09
The project's aims are two. The first is to understand how the development of bio-economic structures depends on managing two potentially contradictory dynamics. These are the transformative dynamics of bio-technological innovation, particularly the separation of forms of life from the specificities of particular places and their history, and the investment in the development of bio-heritage to secure the renewal of local economies. The second objective is instead to advance a more general understanding of the relational and connective dynamics involved in the construction of bio-economic assemblages, by focusing explicitly upon the assumptions about life, time and space that are involved in bio-economic processes, examining how the component parts come to be connected, and reflecting upon what is required to think about these parts without presupposing connection.
By realising these objectives, the project advances understanding of an increasingly important aspect of contemporary life.
A number of seminars and workshops facilitated the analysis of the materials collected. To date, the resulting findings are reported in four articles, one published and the other three still under editorial review. Two further manuscripts are in earlier stages of preparation. These outputs articulate some of the principal theoretical problems and resources informing the development of the project. A monograph on the social, economic and political significance of bio-heritage, as well as an edited collection on the concept of connectivity, are still under development.
Finally, the development of the project has rested on close collaboration with colleagues beyond University of Groningen, principally at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Graz, and the dissemination of its finding was advanced greatly by the organisation of an international workshop on connectivity.