Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IASS (Immigrant Activity-Space Segregation: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Assimilation and Separation in Barcelona)
Reporting period: 2016-01-01 to 2017-12-31
The project has also resulted in important advances in our ability to measure and understand one of the key hazards that drive poverty as a result of activity-space segregation: exposure to disease-vector mosquitoes. This problem of disease-vector mosquitoes has been growing during the past two decades but it took on new urgency at the end of 2015 with outbreaks of Zika triggering a global health emergency. This emergency led the researcher to advance work he had begun previously using citizen science to track the spread of disease-vector mosquitoes in Spain. As a result, he was able to show, in an article published in Nature Communications, that citizen science offers a reliable and scalable tool that is well-positioned to revolutionize the surveillance of dangerous mosquitoes worldwide. Moreover, he was able to obtain estimates of the tiger mosquito distribution across Spain at sufficiently small spatial and temporal scales to link the risk of mosquito-borne disease with human mobility and social inequality. This has helped spark the formation of a Global Mosquito Alert initiative, of which the researcher is a founding member, in collaboration with the UN Environmental Program, the World Health Organization, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and citizen science associations around the world.
Ethics guidelines and review committee report (Deliverable 1.1). This was completed and uploaded through the continuous reporting module of the project tracking system on the H2020 Participant’s Portal. The ethics approval process was useful, as it gave the researcher an opportunity to think through the project’s ethical implications and safeguards in more detail, and to receive helpful feedback from UPF’s independent ethics review board (CIREP) and data protection specialists.
Sampling protocol report (Deliverable 2.1). This is a written report explaining the sampling protocol. It was completed and made available to the public through the project website and Zenodo.
Data management plan report (Deliverable 3.1). This is a written report on the data management plan that serves as a guide for this research and that will also provide guidance for future projects. It was completed and uploaded through the continuous reporting module of the project tracking system on the H2020 Participant’s Portal.
Project website and blog (Deliverable 4.1). The project website is live at The blog is operational but will not be exploited until participant recruitment begins. Note that the website does not emphasis the immigration aspect of the project (it is called simply “activity-space project”) because of the goal is to attract a broad audience and a broad set of participants. The project requires that we learn about the activity spaces of natives and immigrants alike.
Mobile phone application (Deliverable 5.1). This application was completed and all code made available to the public on Github under the open source GPLv3 license. It will be placed on Google Play for participants to download and install on their phones as soon as sampling begins.2028
First and second articles sent for review (Deliverable 7.1 and 7.2). The researcher was able to go well beyond the two articles anticipated under this deliverable, ultimately publishing during the project period 6 journal articles, 2 book chapters, and 1 policy paper, with an additional book chapter and policy paper accepted and forthcoming in 2018.
Forthcoming Book Chapters
• Palmer, John R.B. Martin Brocklehurst, Elizabeth Tyson, Anne Bowser, Eleonore Pauwels, and Frederic Bartumeus. 2018. “Global Mosquito Alert.” In Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, edited by Muki Haklay, Aletta Bonn, Susanne Hecker, Anne Bowser, Zen Makuch and Johannes Vogel. Forthcoming from UCL Press.
Forthcoming Policy Papers
• Tyson, Elizabeth, Anne Bowser, John Palmer, Durrell Kapan, Frederic Bartumeus, and Eleanore Pauwels. 2017. “Global Mosquito Alert: Building Citizen Science Capacity for Surveillance and Control of Disease-Vector Mosquitoes.” Forthcoming from Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.