Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CHLOROIRIDOIDS (Elusive enzymes with biocatalytic potential: chlorinases in the plant kingdom)
Reporting period: 2015-12-01 to 2017-11-30
Iridoids are a natural product class present in blueberries, snapdragon, Madagascar periwinkle and thousands of other plants. Only recently, the first steps of iridoid biosynthesis have been discovered. Especially a biosynthetic step discovered in Madagascar periwinkle in the O’Connor lab, leading from a linear precursor molecule to the characteristic bicyclic core structure of iridoids, has attracted considerable attention. This step is performed by the enzyme iridoid synthase. Later in the biosynthesis, the bicyclic core is rearranged and decorated with sugars, acids or other functional groups until, in many cases, the biosynthetic origin is hardly recognizable.
We noticed unusual features in the biosynthesis of iridoids in some plants that deserved further investigation. Previous publications on the biosynthesis of some iridoids suggested a noticeable structural variation of the core scaffold. Compared to the periwinkle iridoids, the configuration of one carbon atom is attached to the opposite side of the molecule. This seemingly small structural difference indicated an iridoid synthase with opposite stereospecificity. We identified the “epi-iridoid synthase” performing this reaction and sought to understand the molecular origin of the inverted stereospecificity. Investigations of the reaction mechanism and comparisons of related iridoid synthases have challenged previous hypotheses about the function of iridoid synthases. Furthermore, some of these iridoids are converted to chlorinated derivatives. Since chlorine incorporating enzymes are generally rare in the plant kingdom and have been elusive in higher plants, we also searched for this enzyme, albeit not successfully.
Although all four candidates made at least traces of cyclized iridoids, only one showed a level of activity comparable to that of the periwinkle enzyme. We believe that this candidate is the epi-iridoid synthase. Our initial hypothesis predicted that the epi-iridoid synthase would not make the cyclic product identical to the compound present in periwinkle, but a stereoisomer differing in the spatial arrangement of atoms. However, when we first analyzed the product mixtures of the new enzyme, we did not observe any difference. Since our analytical method (GC-MS) was blind to the very subtle differences between exact “mirror images” (enantiomers) of compounds, there was still the possibility that both enzymes made not identical, but enantiomeric products. Indeed, a more sensitive analytical method (chiral GC-MS) was able to demonstrate the minuscule differences in physico-chemical properties caused by the opposite “handedness” of the products.
During the period supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, results of this work have been presented at the NCCR Symposium on Chemical Biology in Geneva (poster) and at the CCBIO Symposium Industrial Biocatalysis in Zurich (invited talk). After the end of the fellowship, the fellow has given talks about this work at the Junior Researcher Symposium “Bioorganic Chemistry” in Jena and at the Biotechnology 2020 symposium, also in Jena. A manuscript about discovery and characterization of the epi-iridoid synthase is in preparation and scheduled for publication in early 2017. Furthermore, the fellow has authored reviews about “Biocatalysts from alkaloid producing plants” (Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2016), which is directly related to this work, and about “Biosynthetic engineering of nonribosomal peptide synthetases” (Journal of Peptide Science, 2016).