Periodic Reporting for period 1 - WO for solar fuels (Integrating molecular water oxidation catalysts with semiconductors for solar fuels generation)
Reporting period: 2015-05-01 to 2017-04-30
In one of our studies on a complete molecular system, we have been able to demonstrate that the whole system was limited by the light capture events. This is important in the field because points out the direction to follow in the next generation of these systems, which should focus on the light capture part of the system.
On the other hand, studying solid systems we have been able to understand which the limiting factors are when a catalyst layer is added on top of the light harvesting material. In these systems the role of the catalyst nature and its interaction with the catalyst layer is key to understand the impact in the final performance.
Finally, one of the major objectives of the project was the building of a system capable to produce a fuel (such as hydrogen) from sunlight and water. To achieve this objective we have put some efforts in the development of an efficient and stable photocathode (material able to absorb light and produce hydrogen, our fuel).
All these results have been presented in several specific international and national conferences to the scientific community. Apart from the scientific community, this project highlighted the need of a good dissemination to the general public, and for this reason we have been involved in several outreach activities such as the Imperial Festival (for a general audience) and Youth and Science summer camp (for 15 year old students).