Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NBSC (Neural basis of semantic control)
Reporting period: 2016-02-01 to 2018-01-31
-Implementation of the experimental paradigms for the project (including task design, creation and rating of the stimuli, and programming of the task).
-Acquisition and analysis of pilot data for both fMRI and TMS studies.
-FMRI and TMS data acquisition and analysis.
-Presentation of results at international conferences.
-Preparation of manuscripts for publication.
Main results
The research objective of this research proposal was to reveal the brain areas and the networks underpinning semantic control and to provide new evidence on their functional specialization. The main results of the project can be summarised as follows: (1) Different functional networks support different cognitive processes for the integration of semantic information during language processing; (2) A language-semantic control network (LSN) and two visual attentional networks (VANs) were likely reflecting semantic-specific and domain-general control processes respectively, jointly recruited to integrate meaning during the task; (3) A left fronto-parietal network (LFPN) was sensitive to context integration rather than to semantic integration demands. This network might be crucial to buffer and integrate episodic information (e.g. who, where, when) presented in the narrative; (2) Contrary to previous claims, our results suggest that the default mode network (DMN) does not support semantic processing; (5) FMRI and TMS results together revealed that the Angular Gyrus (AG), an overlapping region between SLN, DMN and LFPN, is crucial for episodic retrieval rather than semantic processing.
Exploitation and dissemination
Conference Presentations:
Branzi, Pobric,... & Lambon-Ralph (2018). The contribution of the left angular gyrus in combinatorial processes during narrative reading. BNS, London (UK).
Branzi, Humphreys,... & Lambon-Ralph (2017). Reconfiguration of the semantic and default mode networks induced by variations of semantic context during comprehension of written narratives. SNL, Baltimore (USA).
Branzi, Humphreys,... & Lambon-Ralph (2017). Reconfiguration of the semantic and default mode networks induced by variations of semantic context during comprehension of written narratives. BNS, London (UK).
Branzi, Biau,... & Costa (2017). Bilingual lexical access is triggered by the intention to speak: behavioral and ERP/EEG evidence. Dutch Neuroscience meeting, Lunteren (The Netherlands).
Branzi, Biau,... & Costa (2017). Bilingual lexical access is triggered by the intention to speak: behavioral and ERP/EEG evidence. CNS, San Francisco (USA). Poster Presentation.
Branzi, Martin,... & Paz-Alonso (2016). Proactive and reactive control during bilingual lexical access is driven by different portions within the prefrontal cortex. SNL, London (UK).
Martin, Branzi, & Bar (2016). Prediction is production: ERP evidence in sentence comprehension. SNL, London (UK).
Branzi, Martin,... & Paz-Alonso (2016). Proactive and reactive control during bilingual lexical access is driven by different portions within the prefrontal cortex. AMLAP, Bilbao (Spain).
Martin, Branzi, & Bar (2016). Prediction is production: ERP evidence in sentence comprehension. AMLAP, Bilbao (Spain).
Branzi, Paz-Alonso,... & Carreiras (2016). Proactive and reactive control during bilingual lexical access is driven by different portions within the prefrontal cortex. CNS, New York (USA).
Branzi, Humphreys,... & Lambon-Ralph (In prep.). When the semantic context change: revealing the functional networks during processing of written narratives using Independent Component Analysis.
Branzi, Pobric,... & Lambon-Ralph (In prep). The contribution of the left angular gyrus in combinatorial processes during narrative reading.
Martin, Branzi, & Bar (2018). Prediction is Production: The missing link between language production and comprehension. Scientific Reports, 8, 1079.
Branzi, Calabria,... & Costa (2018). On the bilingualism effect in task-switching. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-14.
Canini,... Branzi, Costa, & Abutalebi (2016). Semantic interference and its control: A functional neuroimaging and connectivity study. Human Brain Mapping. 37, 4179-4196.
Branzi, Calabria,... & Costa (2016). On the overlap between bilingual language control and domain-general executive control. Acta Psychologica, 166, 21-30.