Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GROUPIND (Collective personalities: from individuals to groups, and back)
Reporting period: 2015-10-01 to 2017-09-30
Below the list of scientific papers produced so far, supervision of students, and exploitation/dissemination.
Scientific papers
Canestrelli D, Bisconti R, Carere C. (2016) Bolder takes all? The behavioural dimension of biogeography. Trends Ecol Evol 31, 35-43
Canestrelli D., Porretta D., Lowe W., Bisconti R., Carere C., Nascetti G. (2016) The tangled evolutionary legacies of range expansion and hybridization. Trends Ecol Evol 31, 677-688
d’Ettorre P., Carere C., Demora L., Le Quinquis P., Signorotti L., Bovet D. (2017) Individual differences in exploratory activity relate to cognitive judgement bias in carpenter ants. Behav. Proc., 134, 63-69
Udino E., Perez M., Carere C., d’Ettorre P. (2017). Active explorers show low learning performance in a social insect. Current Zoology, 63, 555–560
Carere C., Audebrand C., Rödel H., d’Ettorre P. Individual behavioural type influences group performance in Formica fusca ants. Behav Ecol Sociobiol (submitted)
Carere C., Mather J.A. (Eds.) The Welfare of Invertebrate Animals. Springer. Invited Volume, Planned publication: 2018
Carere C., Mather J.A. Consider the individuals: personality and welfare in invertebrate animals. In: Carere C., Mather J.A. (Eds) The Welfare of Invertebrate Animals. Springer. Planned publication: 2018
Master thesis
Celine Audebrand (2016) L'individualité chez Formica fusca joue t-elle un rôle au niveau du groupe? Master 1 Ethologie, LEEC, Université Paris 13
Florian Desigaux (2016) Individual versus group level personality in the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), and implications for welfare. Master 2, Applied Ethology LEEC, Université Paris 13
Celine Audebrand (2017) From individual personality to group personality: role of keystone individuals in flocks of European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Master 2, Fundamental and Comparative Ethology, LEEC, Université Paris 13
Stage reports
Naomi Kotek (2016) Etude préliminaire sur la personnalité chez les fourmis Formica fusca. Rapport de Stage, LEEC, Université Paris 13
Plotine Jardat (2016) Existe-t-il un lien entre les personnalités individuelle et collective chez la fourmi Aphaenogaster senilis? Rapport de Stage, LEEC, Université Paris 13
Scientific talks
d’Ettorre P. (2016) Behavioural variation, task specialization and cognitive performance in ants. XII Congress of the International Society for Neuroethology, Montevideo, Uruguay (keynote symposium speaker)
Carere C. (2016) New challenges in the study of animal personality. LECD, Université Paris 10, 25-11-2016 (invited department seminar)
d’Ettorre P. (2017) Recognition of identity and cognitive abilities in ants. Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, 04.04.2017 (invited department seminar)
Carere C., Audebrand C., Rodel, H., d’Ettorre, P. (2017) Personality and group performance in a social insect. XXVII Meeting Italian Society of Ethology, Calci, 18-21 June (oral talk)
Verjat A., Surreault A., Carere C., Gouat P., Rödel H. (2017) Group-level differences in a transport task emerge from individual differences in personality: a study in a small rodent Behaviour 2017, 30th July-4th August, Estoril, Portugal (poster talk)
Carere C. (2017) Animal personality: the power of the individual. V Polish Evolutionary Conference. Torun 25-28 September (invited plenary lecture)
Dissemination for the general public
Gillman S. (2016) Patterns in society can reveal economic bubbles. Horizon - The EU Research & Innovation Magazine 30 March 2016 (interview on the GROUPIND project)
Ferrari M. (2016) Bestie di carattere. Focus Extra 72, pp. 46-50 (interview on animal personality)
Carere C. (2017) Tutti in fuga! Come una folla, uno stormo, le cellule. Meet me tonight. European Researchers’ Night, National Museum of Science and Technology, Milano, 29 September (public dialogue among scientists of different disciplines: G. Scita, R. Cerbino, C. Carere, C. Sinigaglia, moderated by G. Nucera, in collaboration with IFOM, Institute of Molecular Oncology)