Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PALADIN (Positron Annihilation Detection Beyond the Limits)
Reporting period: 2015-09-01 to 2017-08-31
In both fields time resolution is a key parameter. Sub-100 picosecond resolution is needed for improved sensitivity and signal-to-noise ration but is not yet available. The goal of this project was finding of ways to improve resolving times of radiation detectors used for PALS and TOF-PET and not deteriorating other performance parameters at the same time. In order to realize that goal two different approaches were investigated in the project, i.e. the application of big monolithic scintillators using digital silicon photomultipliers and extracting information of the radiation by reconstruction of its interaction and the improvement of the time resolution via the use of a hybrid scintillation/Cherenkov materials.
As a very low number of emitted Cherenkov photons is deteriorating the precision of the timing information and about half of these few photons is lost during propagation towards the photo detector, it was investigated if the photon transport could be improved in an additional study. As a result, it could be shown that basic modifications of the scintillator surface could have significant impact on the photon transport and by optimizing the surface parameters the signal ratio of scintillation (energy) to Cherenkov emission (timing) and consequently the overall detector performance could be even further improved.
Results of the described studies were presented at several international conferences and workshops. Moreover, an international patent application was filed about the hybrid scintillation and Cherenkov emission readout using BSO and related materials. The research project was presented in events like the ScienceDay of TU Delft or a guest lecture at TU Vienna. An interinstitutional project initiated in the frame work of PALADIN was awarded with the ScienceDATE grant of the faculty of Physics of TU Delft.