Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RoleOfNEinPerception (The role of noradrenaline in human perception: from single neuron to whole brain and behavior)
Reporting period: 2015-06-01 to 2017-05-31
I addition we have built a setup for combining eye-tracking with human single neuron recordings in epilepsy patients, in order to investigate the relationship between endogenous fluctuations in NE levels (using an established marker of NE levels – the size of the pupil) and responses to sensory stimuli at the level of single neurons, and obtained preliminary results from one patient. We are also in the course of investigating the relationship between endogenous fluctuations in NE levels (measured by the pupil) and behavioral and neural measures during the Placebo session of the abovementioned EEG experiment, with some promising preliminary results.
Finally we also pursued a related research direction that pertains to the same question of the neuronal basis of conscious perception, but from a different angle. There we followed the activity of human medial temporal and frontal neurons during internal switches in the content of conscious perception in the absence of change in the external world. We found a medial fronto-temporal network whose activity precede the internal change in perception by almost two seconds, attesting to its involvement in the process that lead to the formation of the percept. These results are now summarized in a manuscript that was submitted for publication. Results from both projects have been presented in several conferences, workshops and outreach activities.