Periodic Reporting for period 1 - UNRAVELS (UNderstanding, descRibing And Visualizing Electronic charge in noveL oxide heteroStructures)
Reporting period: 2015-05-01 to 2017-04-30
Cerium oxides structures.
I studied the electronic correlation features and magnetism in diluted semiconductor structures of CeO2 and Ce2O3 with magnetic impurities in the bulk and at the surface. I investigated how the electronic correlation changes in presence of surfaces and interfaces. This approach has permitted to describe how the charge varies on Ce and O atoms as a function of external constraints related to geometry and defects (magnetic impurities, oxygen vacancies).
In this work I have studied super-lattices of LaMnO3 and LaNiO3. I have been interested in describing by first principles methods the magnetic exchange at the interface of LMO-LNO super-lattices. I have studied different magnetic and structural configurations in order to point out the more stable configuration and to derive the magnetic exchange energy to jump from on magnetic structure to another. Work in collaboration with the J.M. Triscone experimental group in Geneve.
Another type of interesting super-lattice is represented by heterostructure of
I studied the the formation and the control of the 2D electronic gas at the interface between the two band insulator SrTiO3/LaAlO3 with a metallic capping at the outermost surface. I have studied the role of interface terminations and of the structural reconstruction with the presence of oxygen vacancies in order to discuss the origin of the charges at the interface and of the level of electronic correlation. This work is in collaboration with Manuel Bibes’ group in Thales in charge of the characterization and transport measurements.
Bismuth and Yttrium Iron garnet (BIG and YIG)
I have studied the effect of stoichiometry and the role of epitaxial strain on the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of BIG and YIG. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first ab initio study that aims to predict and correctly characterize the electronic structure in Bi-Y iron garnets in a direct relation with experimental measurements.
Thanks to a direct interaction with experimentalist, the project helped me in developing and strengthen competences in oxides physics. On the experiment side, considering preliminary predictive ab initio results, the STEM group aims to study the electronic and optical excitations in oxides as a function of temperature and strain with the new ultimate generation Chromatem microscope.The training received, together with the related EU mobility, has permitted noticeably the grow the opportunities of my professional maturity. The multidisciplinary character of the project has favored the collaboration with various scientists, attending to international conferences and courses with the aim of enhancing his visibility in the scientific community. I have boosted my expertise demonstrating enough ability to engage in research, teaching in a French university, management, promoting common strategies to reinforce the interaction between experimental groups and theoretical groups, to use my communicating skills to organize and promote outreach activities in science for non-scientific public and high school students. Moreover such expertise help me in improving my rate of success in public selections processes to find a permanent position in academia.