Within the project we generated a set of tools to study systematically the largely uncharacterized family of solute carrier (SLCs), comprising most of the human membrane transporters. In particular, we generated a library of CRISPR/Cas9 constructs able to selectively inactivate SLCs genes in human cells, allowing us to screen for genes that are involved in determining the potency of cytotoxic approved drugs (such as for example antitumour drugs). A large set of such compounds (>50) was identified and tested with the library, yielding a number of SLC-drug associations that are now undergoing validation to confirm and understand further their role and mechanism of action. By using different concentration of the compounds, we were able to find correlation between the strength of the hit SLCs and the selective pressure applied, providing an additional layer of validation. Importantly, we identify many known SLC-drug associations (such for example the role of folate transporters in anti-folate drugs uptake or the role of nucleoside transporters in decitabine/cytarabine uptake) therefore confirming the robustness of our approach. The results generated will be disseminated by both presentation at international conferences and by scientific publications, currently in preparation.