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CORDIS - EU research results

Sustainable network for Independent Technical EXpertise of radioactive waste disposal - Interactions and Implementation


Development of a training module for generalist experts in geological disposal

This deliverable will present the developed training program for the training module for experts in geological disposal, including the objectives, the description of the content (lectures, exercises…), the lecturers’ profile, the timetable.

Conditions and means for developing SITEX interactions with CS

"Deliverable D4.1 will present the results of the WP4, i.e.: • The results of the review of the SITEX SRA as well as the description of appropriate processes for CS to interact with experts along R&D development. It will also formulate R&D expectations of CS regarding radioactive waste management, • The conditions and means to share a common safety culture and rules of procedures to allow interactions of experts with CS along the safety case review process, • Recommendations on ""Intergenerational patterns of inclusive governance along the operational phase of Geological Disposal""."

Setting a Strategic Research Agenda

This deliverable will present a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) prioritizing the R&D topics that the Expertise function should investigate at the European level in order to strengthen their expertise in reviewing safety cases for geological disposal facilities.

Presentation of the project

The framework, objective and structure of the SITEX-II project will be described, together with the content and timing of the different work packages. This will be documented on the basis of the Grant Agreement.

Lessons learnt from the pilot training module

This deliverable will summarise the feedback gathered from the implementation of the pilot training module and highlight the main issues to be further considered e.g. in the framework of a future SITEX network.

Setting the Terms of References for the Strategic Research Agenda implementation

This deliverable will present how SITEX-II plans to implement the topics of the SRA presented in D1.1. The document will refer to JOPRAD deliverables for the identification of topics that may be included into an EJP and will detail the ToR of the topics that will be covered inside the future SITEX network.

Synthesis of existing practices for training and tutoring of experts in geological disposal safety

This deliverable will present the analysis of the existing practices on expert training and tutoring in the countries of SITEX-II organisations, including recommendations developed based on the existing good practices.

Technical guide on the review of a safety case

This report aims at guiding experts in the review of the safety cases related to geological disposal; it will notably include analysis grids for each of the six key phases of the development of the safety case. The opportunities to involve the CS in the different steps of the review process will also be presented.

Interpretation and implementation of safety requirements

This document issued by Task 2.1 will summarize the followed methodology and the results of the discussions including the position papers for each of the 4 selected topics in appendix.

Action plan for establishing SITEX network

The document will contain a proposal of the step-by-step procedure to implement in practice the foreseen SITEX network. It will tentatively include the following key sections: • Mission and objectives; • Legislative and administrative conditions for creating and operating the network; • Formal position of interested organisations; • Provision and mobilization of resources for SITEX network functioning; • Specification of working procedures; • Coordination of activities with other international platforms/initiatives active in the area; • Concrete tasks, their timing and allocation of implementation responsibilities.

SITEX-II final project report

This deliverable will be a final SITEX-II document summarizing project outcomes, achievements, findings, and lessons learnt. This document will also contain recommendations for developing the Action plan for establishing a future SITEX network (D5.5).

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