Periodic Reporting for period 1 - KERS-P (Development of a universal kit to be installed on existing and new High Tonnage Hot ForgingPresses, for a potential strong reduction of energy consumption of the European installed fleet.)
Reporting period: 2015-02-01 to 2015-07-31
Concerning the IP Management, Farina Presse has registered the patent ""Kinetic energy recovery system of moving masses applicable to mechanical presses"" on 20/02/20.2015. Receipt of IP evaluation, re-examination and European extention of the patent will be obtained between march and june 2016.
A detailed market analysis has identified in Europe some countries with a high concentration of presses to which the new UNIVERSAL KIT can be applied. Therefore the commercial strategy will be mainly targeted to Germany and to other countries as France, Italy, Czech Republic and Austria.
Thanks to a specific research scheme it has been identified the best future partner to manage all electric and electronic aspects of the project, taking into account also feedbacks and support received as well as high skills offered.
They have been identified all potential risks which can affect the advacement of the project, their consequences and the probability they could happen. It has been defined a list of risk-mitigation measures.
The business planning has allowed us to define with precision all the economic elements involved in our project and the related investement needs.
The projections developed in the business plan are positive, therefore they encourage us to continue the project.