Periodic Reporting for period 1 - iLocator (iLocator - Map, track and manage point-based-assets)
Reporting period: 2015-01-01 to 2015-05-31
Through the feasibility study we found that our strategic vision should be expanded to becoming a full service solution provider managing all infrastructure assets in municipalities – and not only roadside drains. Our aim is thus to extend the solution to manage line based assets as well. We favourably validated our concept and approach, which shall be kept unchanged for the innovation project. The business model and pricing structure shall remain largely unchanged when scaling into new markets.
Through the large number of interviews and meetings with potential customers the demand for iLocator was clearly verified. Our analysis shows that our ambitions may be fulfilled if a focused route-to-market strategy is followed.
• Completed market investigations in the UK and Germany, including details on various aspects of national regulation, local practices, technical and geographical differences;
• Completed a competitor analysis - the UK is more competitive than the DK market; the GER market is clearly less competitive than the UK and DK markets;
• Signed up 2 UK municipalities for testing; in discussions with 4 GER municipalities, expecting at least 2 signups;
• Applied refinements on the technical platform e.g. smooth shifting between GPS/GNSS sources;
• Found that automated machine mode classification and service event detection may be patentable; the user interface may, as well, be design protected;
• Further developed and enhanced the business plan.
2016 - €300 – 4
2017 - €1,380 – 8
2018 - €4,146 – 21
2019 - €8,883 – 44
2020 - €10,605 – 53