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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Hand pose and gesture analysis for next generation device interaction

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ZSCAN (Hand pose and gesture analysis for next generation device interaction)

Période du rapport: 2015-06-01 au 2016-11-30

The ZSCAN project has been focused on creating a useable set of technologies for use in a human user interface specifically based around motion tracking and hand pose detection using virtual reality headsets. The project was the direct result of breakthrough research into fast hand fingertip detection at GIP lab in the Technion in Israel. The technical goals of the project were dedicated to converting the research into a useable set of technologies exposed through a software development kit (SDK). This goal has been mostly achieved as well as the publication of two patents and a number of academic publications that have benefited from the work surrounding the ZSCAN project. The end result is a set of code libraries which connect to regular computing units as well as customized computing hardware and expose information relating to fingertip identity and location from our fast fingertip tracking method. To help support the virtual reality use case we developed a novel user localization method which we have called Winqi that uses coded light beacons to enable positional tracking of the user in an environment. We have been in contact with a number of industry representatives and are considering continuing the project as a licenseable technology or turning it into a startup.