CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Structured overview on all projects funded in the FET program highlighting coverage of disciplines, countries, actors and budget
OBSERVE Potential Hotspot ReportThe report will list the potential Hotspots in the same structured format that was used for the emerging topics from WP1. In addition a version for presentation in the online survey will be generated.
OBSERVE Horizon Scanning Methodology ReportThe Report will document the four Horizon scanning approaches in detail, discuss the experiences and elaborate lessons learned and recommendations for optimization.
Data Management PlanThe Deliverable contains the Data Management Plan.
Final plan for dissemination & exploitationThe Deliverable contains the final plan for dissemination and exploitation.
Advisory Board meeting report 2The Deliverable contains the Advisory Board meeting report 2.
Advisory Board meeting report 1The Deliverable contains the Advisory Board meeting report 1.
OBSERVE 360° RadarThe report will list the final hotspots in the same structured format that was used for the emerging topics from WP1. In addition a version for presentation in the online survey will be generated.
OBSERVE Methodology ReportLessons learned and recommendations
OBSERVE Horizon Scanning ReportThe Report will list the ca 50 emerging topics identified in all four horizon scanning approaches. The topics will be displayed in a standardized one page template including a brief summary and basic characteristics such as breakthrough potential.
The Deliverable contains the OBSERVE Toolkit including a deck of cards with emerging topics & manual for use.
User brief 3: OBSERVE Radar methodologyThe Deliverable contains user brief 3: OBSERVE Radar methodology.
User brief 2: Emerging hotspotsThe Deliverable contains user brief 2: Emerging hotspots.
OBSERVE RoadshowThe Deliverable contains the OBSERVE Roadshow.
User brief 1: Emerging TopicsThe Deliverable contains user brief 1: Emerging Topics.
OBSERVE WebsiteThe OBSERVE Website will be set up.
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