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Institut Curie 3-i PhD Program

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - IC-3i-PhD (Institut Curie 3-i PhD Program)

Reporting period: 2018-09-01 to 2022-08-31

In 2020, 2.7 million people in the EU were diagnosed with cancer and 1.3 million lost their lives to it. By 2035 cancer cases are estimated to increase by almost 25%, making it the leading cause of death in the EU. In addition, the overall economic impact of cancer in Europe is estimated to exceed €100 billion annually.

The EU has been working on cancer for decades. The “Europe against cancer: action plan 1990-1994” contributed to major progress by supporting research and development financed by the EU budget. This plan was recently renewed by the “Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan” 2021.

In this context, the IC-3i-PhD Program of Institut Curie has contributed to fight cancer by producing top-level scientific knowledge thanks to Inter-national, Inter-disciplinary and Inter-sectorial research projects resulting into novel therapeutic paths for diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

This “Triple I” PhD Program has permitted the development of high standards of excellence for a new generation of early-stage researchers (ESR) thanks to:
• a unique bench-to-bedside approach within a Cancer Centre of Excellence, bringing together internationally-renowned interdisciplinary Research Centre and Hospital Group,
• an inter-national, inter-disciplinary, and inter-sectorial training program, including training-through-research (both on site and through secondments), as well as hands-on training,
• a personalised career development plan,
• a complete set of transferable and soft skills.

A total of 35 ESRs, 18 women and 17 men from 19 different countries, were recruited under 3 calls for applicants in 2016, 2017 and 2018, which represents 3,5% of the total applicants (985 from 61 different countries for the 3 calls, all together).

The IC-3i fellows were actively involved in scientific training and events according to the reported indicators: 371 training activities, 51 conferences, 37 workshops, 12 other events.
They were also prolific in terms of scientific publications, reaching a total of 43, including articles in a journal, chapters in a book, conference proceedings, etc. Additionally, they have implemented 45 collaborations with academic institutions and industrial companies, and 3 patents were developed independently by 3 of them).

The IC-3i-PhD Program has thus contributed to further stimulate the development of the European research and human resources capacities, the knowledge transfer between academic institutions and industrial stakeholders, and ultimately to strengthen the competitiveness and innovation of EU industries.
Work Package 1 - Management
The first 24M were focused on the launching of the 3 calls for applications. The remaining months covered the implementation of the PhD projects as well as the relevant reporting tasks.
An amendment was submitted in June 2020 and validated by the European Research Agency in September 2020, requesting an extension of 12 months to secure budget execution.

Work package 2 - Evaluation and Selection of Researchers
WP2 has been the cornerstone of the project to ensure:
• open recruitment: the calls were widely disseminated at European and international level.
• transparent recruitment: the selection process was published and clearly explained and due information on the evaluation results was provided,
• merit-based recruitment: all the evaluations were compliant with public, objective, measurable, and detailed predefined merit-based criteria.
All the experts involved in the selection committees were trained on the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

Work package 3 - Dissemination of the Programme and its Calls
The communication of the calls was implemented offline and online: 17 internal and external oral presentations and 51 communication actions via internet and social media (Institut Curie’s website, emailing and newsletters, as well as external specialised websites and newsletters).
Besides the IC-3i PhD Program website, other tools were produced, such as 2 flyers (one in a simple two-sides format and another in French fold format) and goodies (tote bag).
As regards the general communication actions and events, there were a total of:
• 3 Research Days involving more than 100 registered participants
• 3 Graduation Ceremonies involving around 150 registered participants
• 15 internal communication actions were implemented, including:
o 6 promotional Youtube videos
o 1 Instagram video, “A Day as a PhD Student at Institut Curie”
o 6 interviews
o 2 regular publications: intranet and the internal newsletter,
• 5 external communication actions involved IC-3i fellows and/or included a presentation of the IC-3i PhD Program:
o 4 European Researchers Night
o 1 MSCA Conference – “MSCA 25 years: Next generation MSCA: opening a new era for change”
Lastly, the IC-3i fellows implemented several dissemination actions:
• Social media: several posts were published via LinkedIn,
• Thesis publications available at the IC-3i website.
• 43 scientific publications: 37 articles in a journal, 1 chapters in a book, 1 book/monograph, 1 publication in Conference proceedings/Workshop and 3 other scientific publications.

Work package 4 - Ethical Issues
A sound ethical clearance system was implemented by providing robust ethics assistance prior, during and after the implementation of the PhD projects.
As a result of the ethics compliance, no ethic issue requiring remedial measures was identified.
There were 3 main expected impacts which have been fully reached:

1. Enhancing research- and innovation-related human resources, skills and working conditions to realise the potential of individuals and to provide new career perspectives.
The IC-3i PhD Program included a comprehensive training pathway composed by scientific courses and soft skills courses, as well as hands-on training. The IC-3i-PhD fellows completed a total of 371 training actions. They also reported a high participation to conferences (51), workshops (37) and other events (12).
Complementarily, 45 collaborations with one or several academic institutions and industrial companies were established.

2. Aligning practices at participating organisations with principles set out by the EU for the human resources development in research and innovation.
Institut Curie has been engaged to provide not only fair framework conditions to all its researchers, but also to develop excellence as regards its internal policy on human resources. This commitment, compliant with the European Charter and the Code for Researchers and promoting the advancement of the European Research Area, resulted into the EU 'HR Excellence in Research Award' in 2018.

3. Effectiveness of the proposed measures for communication and results dissemination and exploitation.
The indicators reached by the IC-3i PhD Program are highly satisfactory: thanks to more than 20 communication actions and events, as well as the dissemination actions developed by the IC-3i fellows (including 43 scientific publications and several publications in social media), it was possible to reach more than 6k stakeholders, from which more than 4k from academia, more than 1k from general public, around 120 from media, 80 from industry and 75 from civil society.
As regards the exploitation of results, 3 IC-3i fellows have been able to register 3 patents.
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