Periodic Reporting for period 4 - ECO-SILENTWOOD (Cost competitive eco-friendly and acoustic wooden doors for indoor applications)
Reporting period: 2016-11-01 to 2017-04-30
The objective of the first sixth month of WP1 was the development of the novel eco-friendly composite and the functional comparison of selected eco-friendly material to validate the best candidates of the new multi-layer panels of the door.
A selection of different materials has been carried out and the following materials have been selected. Porous materials; Isolina, Hemp Premium, Jute Duo and Cellulose and viscoelastic materials; Regupol 4515 Eco, Clempoflex LD 10 and Silentblock. Consortium of the Ecosilentwood project have proposed to include the HDF panels as the best alternative of the WPCs due to the high offer of ecological versions of this panels with free or low formaldehyde content with the required dimensions. All materials were tested.
On WP 2 Industrial Process Optimisation the Task 2.2.: Adapting Lean manufacturing strategy to ECO-SILENTWOOD products has been started. Questionnaires to raise answers on the diagnosis of the current state-of-the-art, the LEAN strategy and the waste Audit has been circulated to the beneficiaries and returned to the sub-contractor for further analysis.
Following the Industrial process optimization performed during WP2, the present deliverable shows the work carried out within the second reporting period, about the progress on the optimization of the industrial process (WP2), Cost and Life Cycle Analysis and Lean Manufacturing Implementation, and the integration of the selected eco-friendly materials in the door structure (WP3), re-design and optimization of the door structure and design of process set-up and outline the production system concerning its sustainability. In this period also started work in WP4 Validation of prototypes & Certification of the eco-silentwood product (4.1 Development of prototypes adapted to usages).
Activities for the implementation of different Lean tools at the production processes of the three participant door manufacturers and Information gathering for the Cost and Life Cycle Analysis have started in the second period and ended in the third period.
These results, let to carry out a preliminary feasibility study of the different combinations under the framework of Task 3.2 along with the definition of the production process of the ECOSILENTWOOD by the three door manufacturers.
The main driver in the market for interior doors is the residential housing segment. Out of all the interior doors sold, 61.5% were sold for residential housing. In Italy this figure is the highest at 76.2%; in Great Britain it is the lowest at 42.0%. It is also encouraging that the construction industry will consolidate this year. Since 2008 the number of completed residential housing units has decreased annually by 12.8% in volume; this will, however, reverse course in 2014 with an expected increase of 2.0%. Even the renovation segment will grow by 2.1% due to the 1.9% growth in 2014, that is, 1.9% growth for the period 2012 – 2016.
Our technology is addressed to those end-users that require comfort (in terms of noise reduction); not only residential housing (dwelling entrances with the 61,5%) but also medical centres, hotels or offices which we estimate that represent another 15% of the doors market. In terms of money we speak about a potential market of 2,9 billion euros.
The comfort criteria for these potential customers are the following:
- Dwelling entrances: Regulatory frame establishes 30dBA of S.R.I. on most European countries. However, customers – especially in Slovenia, Italy and the UK – demand over 35-38dBA.
- Medical centres: 35dBA of sound reduction index (S.R.I.) would cover most of customer and regulatory demands.
- Hotels: A European survey of 18 cities accounted over 680,000 hotel rooms and as an average they are asking for a noise reduction of, at least, 34dBA; however, if we want to reach this market completely, 37-38dBA would be required.