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8 Technical meetings minutes, one regarding each Steering Comitee meeting, including strategic decisions taken, assessment decisions and other management issues. The due dates for each minute are M01, M04, M10, M13, M21, M26, M31, M36
MONITORING REPORTS6 Monitoring reports (technical and financial) , developed each 6 months (M07) (M13) (M19) (M25), (M31), (M36) by the task leader for the assesment of the performance of the project. These reports will be discussed and adopted by the Steering Committee.
CONTINGENCY PLANThe contingency plan will addressg all expected issues that can prevent the project to achieve its goals and will set indicators and corrective actions. It will be updated after each project meeting.
SUCCESS CASES CATALOGUESThe document will content a catalogue of success cases from the pilot project in order to spread it at the communication regional events.
MONITORING REPORTS ON THE PILOT PROJECT OPERATIONS3 periodic reports where the progress of the pilot calls of Innovation Vouchers in each of the pilot regions will be assessed. the delivery dates for each of these reports will be M41, M46 and M48.
This document will describe the procedures to award the European Label to the Innovation Voucher programmes complying with the defined model. The document will also include a recommendation on which could be the most suitable certification body to be incharge of this activity, based on the analysis of the different options, performed within the task 2.8.
IDENTITY MANUAL OF EUROPEAN LABELThis document will content the definition of the European Label identity manual, with its visual aspects and logo.
REQUESTED CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ELEMENTS FOR THE EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER OF THE MODELThis document will describe other elements which can provide the system with more efficiency and agility such as the existence of a management information system, and a procedure of evaluation and monitoring of results and impact of the programme.
REQUESTED CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SERVICES SUPPLIERS' CHAPTER OF THE MODELThe document will provide the results of task 2.4., and will describe the structure of the services' suppliers chapter of the Innovation Voucher program model and minimum requirements fo the this chapter enabling the European Label awarding. It will include a definition of the suppliers' accreditation process, the transnational suppliers’ accreditation procedures and the mutual recognition of suppliers between regions, - the procedure for conflicts’ resolution, jointly with a procedure for suppliers’ exclusion from the programme, and the inclusion of a Code of Conduct for suppliers.
PROJECT'S COMMUNICATION PLANThe communication plan will include a communication strategy, define the communication activities to be developed, the resources and responsabilities to be allocated to those activities, the target audiences, key messages, channels, participants, objectives and results.
REQUESTED CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE VISION OF THE MODELThe document will provide the results of task 2.2., and will describe the main characteristics of vision of the Innovation Voucher program and minimum requirements fo the model vision enabling the European Label awarding
PILOT CALL TEXTThis document will content the scope and characteristics of the final implementation of pilot project, based on the characteristics of the defined model of the Innovation Voucher Programme and will be the result of task 3.1.
REVIEWED GUIDELINE OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN LABEL IMPLEMENTATIONThe document will consist on a reviewed version of the Guideline of recommendations for the European Label implementation (D2.10), with modifications based on the assesment of the results of pilot project.
REQUESTED CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIEREMENTS FOR THE SERVICES CATALOGUE OF THE MODELThe document will provide the results of task 2.3., and will describe the structure of the Services chapter of the Innovation Voucher program and minimum requirements fo the model Services chapter enabling the European Label awarding, describing the eligible services, the addresed need covered by the service, expected benefits and deliverables of the service.
MODEL STRUCTURE AND ELEMENTSThe model structure and elements document will content the definition of the Innovation Voucher model and all its elements. This document will be used as a basis for the development of tasks 2.2 to 2.7 and the development of their related deliverables.
REQUESTED CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COMMUNICATION AND PROMOTION PLAN FO THE MODELThe document will provide the results of task 2.5., and will describe the structure of the communication and promotional plan chapter of the Innovation Voucher program model and minimum requirements fo the this chapter enabling the European Label awarding. It will include a description of the activities to be included in the programme in order to promote the services supported by the Innovation Voucher and the identification of the regional/international agents involved in the communication campaign and the information nets employed.
GUIDELINE OF RECOMENDATIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN LABEL IMPLEMENTATIONThis document will consist on the integration of all the outcomes of Work Package 2 in a common document containing the recommendations on how to implement a European Label for Innovation Voucher Programmes, taking into account all the aspects of the programme that need to be assessed and the procedures of this assessment.
REQUESTED CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INNOVATION VOUCHER MECHANISM OF THE MODELThe document will provide the results of task 2.6., and will describe the structure of the Innovation Voucher mechanism chapter of the Innovation Voucher program model and minimum requirements fo the this chapter enabling the European Label awarding. It will address the following aspects of the mechanism: the main characteristics of the programme’s call, its support to the transnational technology and knowledge transfer, the procedures of submission, evaluation and approval of applications for Innovation Vouchers, the procedures of conflicts resolution, justification of the expenses and services provided, vouchers payment, and the procedures of quality assurance and audits.
The web page will be the main portal providing information about the project to the public. it will be continuosly be updated during the project liftime with information about, events, achievements and deliverables of the project.
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