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MicroLAB lab-on-a-cartridge, a disruptive concept. Towards an innovative solution for food safety

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MicroLAB (MicroLAB lab-on-a-cartridge, a disruptive concept. Towards an innovative solution for food safety)

Période du rapport: 2015-05-01 au 2015-08-31

The main objective of the project was to generate an updated review of GTZ’s initial Business Plan (BP I), with the final goal of overcoming the main challenges identified for the successful market launch of the MicroLAB kits, as well as, to assure its Sustainable Growth.
-To pursue the Market ambition by defining a market strategy able to empower the initial sales network to acquire a 2.6 % of market share within the first 5 years of activity.
-To identify the MicroLab’s critical points to improve its production costs
-To ensure MicroLAB's competitiveness and its sustainability, through the detailed definition of the GTZ’s Innovation Plan and the strategically alignment with the customer-pain’s needs.
- To identify the investment needs to automate the process line, and cash-flow needs to support GTZ’s growth; as well as, the detailed definition of the financial instruments for its fulfilment.
Firstly, the “Business innovation roadmap” was set up, to support the strategic business innovation for the company, highlighting the entrepreneurial project specific capacity gaps, as well as the innovation system, for GTZ's business.
Through GTZ's partners’ current distributor network, the MicroLAB's kits had been presented in different conferences and leading food companies. A Commercial Plan was envisaged, including market tests with an array of different profiles of key clients.
We have identified the action plan for the MicroLAB's re-engineering, taking into account the feasibility of its Industrial manufacture. And at the same time, we ensured that its deployment will maintain the MicroLAB’s IP protection frame.
We have identified the financial needs and figured out a sustainable strategy for assuring the funds leverage and the company growth.
The Feasibility study concludes:
- GTZ is feasible, and the study was a decisive tool to overcome the target hurdles.
To improve GTZ’s production costs, by targeting the key aspects of its design and production lay-out.
To acquire a 2.6 % of market share within the first 5 years of activity
To induce a health risk reduction (0.23 %, Salmonella; 0.65%, Listeria)
To contribute to reduce GHG emissions (0.0243 kg CO2-eq./kg, Salmonella; 0.029 kg CO2-eq./kg at dairy farm gate for Listeria)
- The reviewed Business Plan will be the tool for GTZ’s partners’ decision making and for accomplishing the entrepreneurial project, becoming a success history.
- MicroLAB’s commercial feasibility was confirmed by already received purchasing orders.
MicroLAB Device
MicroLAB Concept