Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EEN-Innovation PT (EEN-Innovation PT)
Période du rapport: 2015-01-01 au 2016-12-31
The work of the consortium was developed under the terms of the work programme approved, both for the WP1 – Key Account Management and for WP2 – Enhancing Innovation Capacity of SME, and respected the principles of excellence, 'no wrong door' and proximity of services to SMEs, as well as the mechanisms of signposting and follow-up of target audience inside the Network.
The subsidiarity and additionally principles, as well as European added value are also key factors in the implementation of the actions that were carried out.
In the context of WP 2, 53 companies were supported in Enhancing Management Capacity with a completed report evaluated, although 93 were provided with EIMC services (Fig.1). These SMEs were selected either during the previous programme (2014) or through the partners' skills and relations with stakeholders, specific national programmes aimed to support highly potential innovation companies, as well as through the registry of EEN-PORTUGAL clients.
EIMC service was provided according to an average 7-day service package proposed, and included all deliverables mentioned, like an innovation management capacity assessment, a need analysis and the provision of targeted services to address identified gaps. The assessment was based on the Innovation Scoring, that meets the definition of innovation management and the elements of an innovation management system as defined in the CEN/TS 16555-1.
The majority of the companies which are beneficiaries of the KAM services were located in the centre and south of Portugal. On the contrary, the major number of EIMC services were provided in North of the Portugal.
In a holistic approach to the service supported by the Innovation PT consortium, we can conclude that most of the sectors focused on the different calls in the last two years had the participation of Portuguese companies.
We can verify a slight deviation between the numbers of services proposed and carried out (Fig. 2), which can be justified mainly by the specificity of the KAM service, the need for signposting of these companies to EEN-PORTUGAL as well as the service of accompanying Seal of Excellence companies that require rigorous technical work and are, therefore, very time consuming.
We consider that in general terms the proposal met the expectations created in companies by providing high quality consulting services, for the enhancement of innovation management capacities of the Portuguese SMES, namely the beneficiaries of Horizon 2020 SME Instrument and those with significant innovation activities and high potential for growth and internationalization.