Reporting period: 2015-06-01 to 2015-08-31
1) Define the Marketing Strategy Assessment, focusing in two directions:
a) Enter a new growing area, looking for the most renowned operation (the most profitable, the most innovative), where reaching agreements to facilitate the sensors at a very low price, as long as they stop and show others attempting to persuade an audience.
b) Make arrangements with prescribers and national associations through events. cubenube has negotiations with several organizations in order to sing agreements for the prescription of Data Agriculture and the bynse services.
2) Business Model Assessment, exploring new sources of additional incomes:
a) Prediction of risk for insurance sector. It will be of great interest in countries where agricultural insurance is not regulated by the Government (South America).
b) Audits in real time for Regulatory Authorities (appellations of origin) or proficient.
c) Prediction of productions, for inside customer management and for the stock market.
d) Integration of agricultural and manufacturing operations and systems. Some big companies need to integrate different IT systems and data from crop operations to packaging, for process analysis and improvement of operations.
3) Technological Feasibility: An overview of international competing research and innovation development will be addressed. It will also include a comparison with state-of-the-art research and known commercial solutions, including costs, environmental benefits, ease-of-use and other features. An initial technical design of potential modifications to the bynsebox and specifications of the essential software (algorithms and models) will be defined in a report, including costs. The proposed features will be modified according to the customer feedback.
4) Risk assessment: Technical and business risks will be identified and ranked according to severity in a report. Contingency plans will be established for each risk.
5) Intellectual Property (IP) assessment: A more in-depth patent search will be carried out to confirm our “freedom to operate” and the best means of protection for our proposed innovation.
6) Detailed work plan for the implementation of the project: Activities, objectives, tasks and resources necessary will be defined.
7) Business plan: A business plan will be defined, including a commercialization strategy and criteria for success.
In the section “Publishable Summary's associated images” some products are shown.
- Democratization of sensing technologies (Internet of Things)
- Affordable rural communications (M2M, wiMax, Rural Internet Access)
- Develop of Big Data technologies focus on agriculture
- Low costs of Processing, storage and cloud technologies
- Smartphone democratization (and data communications plans for citizens)
- Decrease cost of satellite image acquisition
- Drone revolution
bynse technological Performance achieved:
Weather forecasts data sources: The performance and testing of this concept allowed us to identify the most suitable providers of weather data information, in order to identify the technological impact of integrating these weather data sources into bynse platform.
Aerial Color Maps: some procedures was improvement concerning to aerial imaging within Bynse platform, performance the results for produce color maps that can allow the knowledge system to draw out conclusions on the state of the harvest.
Communication with intelligent tractors/machinery : The list of needs was identify in order to know at the moment the next steps for improve the bynse algorithms, thanks to the contact established with the farmers the interaction was increased with its tractors from bynsecloud on the same way regardless the kind of intelligent tractor using by them.
Direct communications with irrigation systems: bynse need improve some characteristic in order to save money to the farmer and improve its crops. The analysis of the efficiency of water has been improved concerning to the percentage of water received by the plant and the quantity of water used.
- Precision farming: the process must be improved in order to increase bynse competitiveness
- Soil monitoring: Bynse process must be improved in order to increase the ground and surface quality
- Weeds and Pest Control: The process must be tested highlight the advantages over competitors
Commercialization strategy establishment process have been advanced, currently bynse are in advanced negotiations with the largest cooperative of Spain and world's largest producer of olive oil