Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Bio-AX (A new wearable, cost effective and non-invasive biometric solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles)
Reporting period: 2015-06-01 to 2015-08-31
Our industry is in the evidence gathering technology, in particular Body Worn Video (BWV) systems and forensics. Body worn video (BWV) is a video recording system that is typically utilised by law enforcement to record their interactions with the public or gather video evidence at crime scenes. Audax was the first company to demonstrate the benefits of BWV and Headcams on July 2005 at the G8 Summit in Gleneagles. Since then we have also sold to security organisations in the UK, USA, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, Serbia, Dubai, Jordan, Czech Republic, Holland, Portugal, France, Lebanon (UN), Vietnam, Singapore and NATO.
Our novel product, BIO-AX™, is a cost-effective and modular biometric body-worn video system for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles. BIO-AX™ brings numerous unique benefits to various vertical markets in the security market, including law enforcement, security and mass transit transport buildings (airports, ports, train stations), immigration control, hazard area response teams (fire and ambulance) and sports ground safety.
Audax carried out a Feasibility Study through H2020 SME Instrument Phase 1 funding. In the study we have analysed and iterated the product through constructive customer development, analysed the local and global market and industry trends, assessed competitive landscape, determined how we can protect our Intellectual Property Rights, assessed business and technological risks, identified organisational gaps, drew a financial plan and a work plan. The outcome is that BIO-AX™ is possible, feasible, viable, profitable, sustainable and key for our business growth and competitive edge. Audax will continue pursuing this project.
This report is an overview of the work done during the execution of this Phase 1. In the proposal eight tasks were defined. Each one of this task served for the preparation of a feasibility study, which is the main deliverable of this Phase 1 and is also the starting point to prepare a Phase 2 proposal. Feasibility Study took us approximately 3 months to complete and compile.
During the execution of this Phase 1 an in-depth industry and market assessment was made in order to study and determine the market climate, customer needs and to estimate sales for three years after product launch. In the second task, we created dissemination material (brochures) to communicate the purpose, benefits and features of BIO-AX™ to our customers. In the third task, we analyzed operational and technological feasibility and found ways how to mitigate the risks. The fourth task consisted of an economic feasibility study. A thorough risk assessment on the Audax business and BIO-AX™ project implementation was carried out in Task 6. We selected a strong customer for pilot testing Management. An IPR attorney was contracted to determine �freedom to operate� with the trademark BIO-AX™ in the EU and USA. Finally we have drafted a work plan for the product development (TRL9), dissemination, demonstration and commercialization of BIO-AX™.
Stakeholders will benefit from a tool that will allow them to efficiently screen people, bags and vehicles with high throughput and accuracy. Our product will help reduce crime, improve situational awareness, save time and money, improve staff safety and professionalism and gather accurate evidence data that is recognized in courts.