Periodic Reporting for period 1 - INSULCLOCK (Empowered control of drugs's dosage in chronic diseases.)
Reporting period: 2015-06-01 to 2015-10-31
We have attained great advances through product termination. Our IPR protection is advancing and the strategy is completely defined. We are having great success stablishing international partnerships. Details about all these issues can be found in the Feasibility Report.
Our advances building a strong brand image have been remarkable:
• We created our English and Spanish website and also our blog, twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn accounts.
• We are getting in touch with diabetes associations (almost all in Spain, 32 in US, and some other around the world), spreading the news of Insulclock®, stablishing personalized relationships with them and learning details about our different target markets.
• To promote Insulclock® we are taking part in national and international events, giving interviews in the mass media and appearing in blogs.
• We won several contests.
We perform an active technology forecasting and we found some new competitors that try to solve the needs we face, there are many applications and some devices. They lack the automaticity of Insulclock® and that is why diabetics, according to our conversations with them, prefer Insulclock®.