Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ERBSN 4 H2020 (Eastern Romanian Business Support Network support for innovative SMEs)
Période du rapport: 2015-01-01 au 2016-12-31
This is the context the project achieved its objectives of developing a viable network of 9 innovation experts who are also qualified as innovation managers and trained to apply the IMProve assessment tools, thus able to deliver KAM and EIMC services in Macroregion 2. The network delivered EIMC services to 51 companies with significant innovation activities and potential for international growth.
ERBSN 4 H2020 project proposed 55 EIMC services to be delivered in RO2 during 2015-2016, and it delivered 51 EIMC services. ERBSN devoted 2015 to improving partners’ professional capacity and applicable knowledge and building up the database of companies characterized by significant innovation activities and potential for international growth, preparing for their approach, explanation of the EIMC scope, selection and undertaking of the EIMC services. Thus, all EIMC services were delivered in 2016.
EIMC services were provided by a team of 9 experts, by applying the IMProve system. The most of the EIMC beneficiaries were above the champions of the sector and similar companies as counted by the IMProve tool (45%). Assessment, needs & gaps analyses, action plans development and joint agreement with the beneficiary, as well as their implementation activities developed between January 2016 till December 2016, with almost 65% in Q3 and Q4. Recommendations included directions for developing and adopting innovation strategies, train internal experts in innovation, organize a more efficient and visible innovation activity valorizing all internal resources and external collaborators, also by creating new specialized departments for innovation or IPR. The diversification of the service or product offer and internationalization were also recommended, as well as the access of various funding sources. Action plans were agreed with the beneficiaries in order to implement totally or partially the recommendations. Their duration varies between 6 weeks and 6 months. EIMC beneficiaries covered a diversity of economic sectors, with the leading sectors of ITC and building and building materials.
This expected impact also reflects the synergies created between COSME and H2020 activities ERBSN combined in the benefit of the clients, and in order to enlarge the base for H2020 clients. COSME promotional activities largely comprised promotional and technical information on H2020 services offered by ERBSN, addressed directly to SMEs or via stakeholders/multipliers.