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European Virtual Environment for Research - Earth Science Themes


Final VRE Architecture and Interfaces Definition

D5.12 - Final VRE Architecture and Interfaces Definition (Due date: M24). This deliverable is an updated version of deliverable D5.1 and will provide the final EVER-EST VRE architecture design including all of the interfaces.

Technical Report on E-Learning Services – Intermediate version

This deliverable describes the consolidated design and the development of the VRE digital information and e-learning services using the inputs from Task 5.1.

Land Monitoring use case Demonstration Report

This document will report on the results of the use case demonstration in Task 3.4. It will report on the fulfillment of the user requirements and on the results deriving from the actual use of the VRE by the Land Monitoring VRC.

Workshop report

The report will provide an overview of the EVER-EST public event and will collect the publics’ feedbacks and proposals for enhancments together with the consortium evaluation for their possible adoption and implementation in the VRE.

Register of Dissemination Material

The Register of training materials and meeting contains the course and training material developed in the project in order to allow target communities to use and exploit the EVER-EST platform services.

Dissemination strategy and plan

Dissemination plan will contain all the details about the dissemination strategy to be followed in the project, and will target both the VRC involved and the wider Earth Science community specifying the actions to be taken to address them properly including the key messages and the media adopted.

Technical Report on digital information and e-collaboration services – Final version

This deliverable describes the consolidated design and the development of the VRE digital information and e-collaboration services using the from Task 5.1.

Workflows and Research Objects models in Earth Science

The deliverable, output of tasks T4.2 will describe models to be applied for long-term preservation of Research Objects in Earth Science.

VRE Overall Assessment Report

This deliverable, will report on the results of the overall assessment of the VRE infrastructure carried out in Task 3.6.

Report on VRE population and testing

This deliverable describes the population of VRE by the data providers. The VRE testing under typical operational conditions will also be documented including details of the test conditions and the results obtained. It will be based on inputs from Tasks 6.3 and 6.4.

Technical Report on infrastructure deployment

This deliverable aims to document the infrastructure deployment and VRE services integration activities. The technical specifications for the basic software components, and their mutual relationships, are documented in this deliverable which includes inputs from tasks T6.1 and T6.2.

Project website

This task will produce and maintain the project web site, which is a major source of information about the project.

Technical Report on operations and maintenance

This deliverable describes the operations phase, the problems encountered and the solutions implemented to solve them. This deliverable, which is based on the inputs from task T6.5, tracks all the corrections and improvements to the VRE developed during the project.

Technical Report on E-Learning Services – Final version

This deliverable describes the consolidated design and the development of the VRE digital information and e-learning services using the inputs from Task 5.1.

VRE Architecture and Interfaces Definition

This deliverable aims to produce the EVER-EST VRE architecture design including all of the interfaces. ICDs analysing the survey results about the tools and API’s of the successfully EU projects made at the beginning of the task.

Technical Report on common services – Intermediate version

This deliverable has the objective to describe the consolidated design and the development of the common VRE services using the inputs from Task 5.1.

Workflows and Research Objects in Earth Science - main concepts and definitions

This deliverable, output of task T4.1, will report on the main concepts and definitions concerning workflows and Research Objects on Earth Science.

Sea Monitoring use case Demonstration Report

This document will report on the results of the use case demonstration in Task 3.2. It will report on the fulfillment of the user requirements and on the results deriving from the actual use of the VRE by the Sea Monitoring VRC.

VRE Use Cases Validation Plan

This document will describe the step-by-step procedures to be used in Tasks 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 for the validation of the deployed VRE against the user requirements from each use case. Individual validation plans will be prepared for each uses case and merged into a single deliverable under the coordination of the WP leader.

Plan for takeover of EVER-EST Virtual Research Environment

Takeover plan is mandatory to ensure the correct and complete transition from the project development phase (end of EVER-EST project) towards the operational phase (exploitation of the services). This will include the list of elements to be transferred including the knowledge transfer, the relevant rights and ownerships, the infrastructure handover plan and relevant aspects such as the configuration, the user relationship model management. It will contain a synthesis of results of the financial/budgeting analysis too. It will be the skeleton of quasi-classic Transition-to-Operations plan.

Technical Report on e-research application services –Intermediate version

This deliverable describes the consolidated design and the development of the VRE digital information and e-research application services using the inputs from Task 5.1.

Analysis of potential VRE sustainability models

"It will contain studies of current financial models supporting collaborative environments with relevant pros&cons. Furthermore it will describe best practices on user's fidelization methods as well as on the relevant evolutionary models in order to ensure the ""users"" on the long term availability of the VRE and of the financial and practical benefits. It will contain the result of the study concerned with alternative financial sustainability model."

Technical Report on common services – Final version

This describes the consolidated design and the development of the VRE common services using the inputs from Task 5.1.

Synthesis of international best practice for the development and management of Virtual Research Environments

This deliverable will constitute a simple and lightweight Scientific VRE Engagement Handbook providing a snapshot of all methods, streams, activities including practical tips as consolidated from the project and actual best-practices used to design, deliver and operate successfully this type of collaborative environment. Decision makers, researchers and program managers are the main audience.

Technical Report on digital information and e-collaboration services – Intermediate version

This deliverable describes the consolidated design and the development of the VRE digital information and e-collaboration services using the inputs from Task 5.1

Supersites use case Demonstration Report

This document will report on the results of the use case demonstration in Task 3.5. It will report on the fulfillment of the user requirements and on the results deriving from the actual use of the VRE by the Supersites VRC.

Training strategy and plan

The Training strategy and plan will define how the EVER-EST training events will be structured and timely organized among the four VRC involved: the training objectives, the peculiarities of single use cases and the common areas.

Technical Report on e-research application services – Final version

This deliverable has the objective to describe the consolidated design and the development of the VRE digital information and e-research application services. It receives inputs from Task 5.1.

Use Cases Description and User Needs Document

This deliverables will document the use cases and specify the corresponding user requirements resulting from Task 3.1.

Natural Hazards use case Demonstration Report

This document will report on the results of the use case demonstration in Task 3.3. It will report on the fulfillment of the user requirements and on the results deriving from the actual use of the VRE by the Natural Hazards VRC.

Report on training activities

The report of training activities will contain a structured report of training activities supported by proper feedback forms to evaluate user engagement and training results

VRE infrastructure and services – Intermediate Version

Software deliverable

VRE infrastructure and services – Final Version

Software deliverable

Design, implementation and deployment of Research Objects components for Earth Science phase 2

This deliverable, output of T4.3, T4.4, T4.5, will include the final version of basic Research Object management functionalities including search, preservation, and support for social aspects.

Design, implementation and deployment of Research Objects components for Earth Science phase 1

This deliverable, output of T4.3, T4.4, T4.5, will include the first version of basic Research Object management functionalities including search, preservation, and support for social aspects

EVER-EST Data Management Plan

This document provides the Data Management Plan for the EVER-EST project as foreseen by H2020 guidelines on data management.


EVER-EST: a virtual research environment for Earth Sciences

Auteurs: Fulvio Marelli, Mirko Albani, Helen Glaves
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-7545, EGU General Assembly 2016

Towards a Human-Machine Scientific Partnership Based on Semantically Rich Research Objects

Auteurs: Raul Palma, Jose-Manuel Gomez
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: eScience 2017

EVER-EST: a virtual research environment for the Earth Sciences

Auteurs: Fulvio Marelli, Helen Glaves, Mirko Albani
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-17847, EGU General Assembly 2017

The EVER-EST Virtual Research Environment - An open and reproducible science

Auteurs: Mirko Albani
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Platinum Il Sole 24 ore -

EVEREST: a virtual research environment for the Earth Sciences

Auteurs: Glaves, H. M.; Marelli, F.; Albani, M.
Publié dans: 2015
Éditeur: "American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015, abstract #IN31B-1763"

A Research Object-based Toolkit to Support the Earth Science Research Lifecycle

Auteurs: Raul Palma, Jose-Manuel Gomez
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: eScience 2018 conference

Virtual Research Environments for Natural Hazard Modelling

Auteurs: Hazel Napier, Tim Aldridge
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-13633, EGU General Assembly 2017

A Research Object-based Toolkit to Support the Earth Science Research Lifecycle

Auteurs: Raul Palma, Jose-Manuel Gomez
Publié dans: Future Generation Computer Systems journal, 2017
Éditeur: Future Generation Computer Systems journal

Contribution of the EVER-EST project to the community of the Geohazard Supersites initiative;

Auteurs: Elisa Trasatti, Giuliana Rubbia, Vito Romaniello, Luca Merucci, Stefano Corradini, Claudia Spinetti, Giuseppe Puglisi, Sven Borgstrom, Stefano Salvi, Michelle Parks, Tobias Dürig, Freysteinn Sigmundsson
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-9691-1, EGU General Assembly 2017

Integrating remote and social sensing data for a scenario on Secure Societies in a Big Data platform

Auteurs: S. Albani, M. Lazzarini, M. Koubarakis, G. Papadakis, V. Karkaletsis
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: Living Planet Symposium 2016 Conference Proceedings

Managing, Preserving and Disseminating Research Objects in Earth Science with the ROHub Science Gateway

Auteurs: R Palma, JM Gómez-Pérez, A García-Silva
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: 9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG)

A pilot for Big Data exploitation in the Space and Security domain

Auteurs: S. Albani, M. Lazzarini, M. Koubarakis, E. K. Taniskidou, G. Papadakis, V. Karkaletsis, G. Giannakopoulos
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: 2nd Conference on Big Data from Space (2016)

Research Object as mechanism for ensuring reproducibility of the research experiment within Virtual Research Environment.

Auteurs: M Krystek, R Palma, JM Gómez-Pérez, C Mazurek
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: VIII Konferencji INFOBAZY 2017

Research Objects for Sharing and Exchanging Research Data and Methods in Earth Science

Auteurs: JM Gómez-Pérez, R Palma
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2016

Managing Research Objects in Earth Science: The EVER-EST Virtual Research Environment. .

Auteurs: R Palma, JM Gómez-Pérez
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: Conference on Big Data from Space

The Ever-est virtual research environment (VRE) infrastructure for marine science the sea monitoring virtual research community (VRC) use case

Auteurs: F.Foglini, V. Grande, F. De Leo
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: AGU2016 (December2016)

Sea Monitoring Virtual Research Community (VRC) in the EVER-EST Project (a virtual research environment for the Earth Sciences)

Auteurs: F.Foglini, R. Guarino and F. Boero.
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: EGU2016 conference (April 2016)

The EVER-EST portal as support for the Sea monitoring Virtual Research Community (VRC), through the sharing of resources, enabling dynamic collaboration and promoting community engagement.

Auteurs: F.Foglini, V. Grande, F. De Leo, S. Mantovani, S.Ferraresi.
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: EGU2017 Conference (April 2017).

An user-centric approach to validate the EVER-EST Virtual Research Environment infrastructure for the Earth Science.

Auteurs: F.Foglini, V. Grande, F. De Leo, J. M.l Gomez and R.Leone.
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: IMDIS Conference (October 2016).

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