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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Advanced Multi-Variate Analysis for New Physics Searches at the LHC

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Final report on performance of algorithms for LHC searches of new physics

Final Activity Report: Performance of the algorithms optimized and developed anew for LHC searches of new physics.

Organization of network events 2

Organization of network events (schools and workshops) (month 48). A report will be delivered at Month 48 with the results of the network events of the first reportind period.

Report of performance of algorithms for data-driven background shape modelling

Periodic Activity Report. Report of the detailed implementation, the performance, and the result of robustness tests of algorithms applied to the determination of background shape densities.

Report on SL method for new searches

Periodic Activity Report. Document describing a customized SL method optimized for model independent searches of new physics

Final report on classification and regression tools for Higgs measurements

Final Activity Report: Report on classification and regression tools in Higgs measurements. This document describes the performance of the optimized algorithms on the classification and regression problems of WP1.

Report on the inverse bagging algorithm

Report describing the implementation, the performance, and the HEP use cases of the inverse bagging algorithm

Organization of network events 1

Organization of network events (schools and workshops) (month 24). A report will be delivered at Month 24 with the results of the network events of the first reportind period.

Report on MVA for Higgs studies

Periodic Activity Report: Report on MVA for Higgs studies. Document with description of algorithms to be used as defined in task 2 and testing with Delphes simulations of collider data. Tailored algorithms will be identified for four specific use cases: classification for H →bb, H →ττ final states; and regression for H →bb and H →ττ mass reconstruction (month 18).

Publication on MEM and its implementations

Publication(s) on the method and its implementations in specialized journals (Computer Physics Comm., or EPJC section on MC).

Report of studied SL methods for targeted and global searches of new physics

Periodic Activity Report: Report on MVA for signature-specific searches. This is a document containing a technical description of the algorithms identified and tested in tasks 1 and 2 and the result of the application of such algorithms to simulated data of the benchmarks defined in task 1 of WP2.

Draft Periodic Report

Draft Periodic Report for the purpose of the mid-term review meeting. The final version will be submitted at the end of the first reporting period.

Online web documentation of package

On-line web documentation and support of the developed package

Publication on report of the implementation of the AToM MVA recasting package

Scientific publication: Report of the implementation of the ATOM MVA recasting package

Soft Skills training

Training in soft skills (month 18 or 34, depending on ESR hiring period).

Public seminars in high schools and public events by ESRs

Public seminars in high schools and public events by ESRs (month 24-47).

Assessment of impact of outreach activities in outreach workshop talks

Outreach workshop where ESRs will report their experience and their achievements, and where the impact of the outreach activities engaged by the ESRs will be assessed and critically studied (month 37).

C++ package to evaluate MEM weights for arbitrary processes in the SM and beyond

C++ package to evaluate matrix-element weights on an event-by-event basis for any process in the SM and BSM that can be directly run in ROOT and exploit the statistical tools already available there

Software implementation of the inverse bagging algorithm

Software implementation of Inverse Bagging algorithm

Network Blog - Hashtag

High-visibility and high-traffic blog with a horizontal relationship between writers and readers (month 4). High-visibility Twitter hashtag distributing news on the programme (month 4).


INFERNO: Inference-Aware Neural Optimisation

Author(s): Pablo de Castro, Tommaso Dorigo
Published in: Computer Physics Communications, Issue 244, 2019, Page(s) 170-179, ISSN 0010-4655
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2019.06.007

Measurement of VH, H → b b ¯ $$ \mathrm{H}\to \mathrm{b}\overline{\mathrm{b}} $$ production as

Author(s): M. Aaboud, G. Aad, B. Abbott, D. C. Abbott, O. Abdinov, A. Abed Abud, D. K. Abhayasinghe, S. H. Abidi, O. S. AbouZeid, N. L. Abraham, H. Abramowicz, H. Abreu, Y. Abulaiti, B. S. Acharya, S. Adachi, L. Adam, C. Adam Bourdarios, L. Adamczyk, L. Adamek, J. Adelman, M. Adersberger, A. Adiguzel, S. Adorni, T. Adye, A. A. Affolder, Y. Afik, C. Agapopoulou, M. N. Agaras, A. Aggarwal, C. Agheorghiesei, J.
Published in: Journal of High Energy Physics, Issue 2019/5, 2019, ISSN 1029-8479
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/jhep05(2019)141

Observation of H → b b ¯ decays and VH production with the ATLAS detector

Author(s): M. Aaboud, G. Aad, B. Abbott, O. Abdinov, B. Abeloos, D.K. Abhayasinghe, S.H. Abidi, O.S. AbouZeid, N.L. Abraham, H. Abramowicz, H. Abreu, Y. Abulaiti, B.S. Acharya, S. Adachi, L. Adam, L. Adamczyk, J. Adelman, M. Adersberger, A. Adiguzel, T. Adye, A.A. Affolder, Y. Afik, C. Agheorghiesei, J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra, F. Ahmadov, G. Aielli, S. Akatsuka, T.P.A. Åkesson, E. Akilli, A.V. Akimov, G.L. Albe
Published in: Physics Letters B, Issue 786, 2018, Page(s) 59-86, ISSN 0370-2693
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.09.013

Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in the b b ¯ b b ¯

Author(s): A. M. Sirunyan, A. Tumasyan, W. Adam, F. Ambrogi, E. Asilar, T. Bergauer, J. Brandstetter, M. Dragicevic, J. Erö, A. Escalante Del Valle, M. Flechl, R. Frühwirth, V. M. Ghete, J. Hrubec, M. Jeitler, N. Krammer, I. Krätschmer, D. Liko, T. Madlener, I. Mikulec, N. Rad, H. Rohringer, J. Schieck, R. Schöfbeck, M. Spanring, D. Spitzbart, A. Taurok, W. Waltenberger, J. Wittmann, C.-E. Wulz, M. Zaruc
Published in: Journal of High Energy Physics, Issue 2019/4, 2019, ISSN 1029-8479
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/jhep04(2019)112

Search for supersymmetry in events with one lepton and multiple jets exploiting the angular correlation between the lepton and the missing transverse momentum in proton–proton collisions at s = 13 TeV

Author(s): A.M. Sirunyan, A. Tumasyan, W. Adam, F. Ambrogi, E. Asilar, T. Bergauer, J. Brandstetter, E. Brondolin, M. Dragicevic, J. Erö, M. Flechl, M. Friedl, R. Frühwirth, V.M. Ghete, J. Grossmann, J. Hrubec, M. Jeitler, A. König, N. Krammer, I. Krätschmer, D. Liko, T. Madlener, I. Mikulec, E. Pree, D. Rabady, N. Rad, H. Rohringer, J. Schieck, R. Schöfbeck, M. Spanring, D. Spitzbart, J. Strauss, W. Wa
Published in: Physics Letters B, Issue 780, 2018, Page(s) 384-409, ISSN 0370-2693
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.03.028

Nonparametric Semisupervised Classification and Variable Selection for New Physics Searches

Author(s): Casa, Alessandro; MENARDI, GIOVANNA
Published in: EMS 2019 - Program and Book of Abstracts, 2019
Publisher: Edited by Angelo M Mineo and Luigi Augugliaro

A novel approach for pre-filtering event sources using the von Mises distribution

Published in: EMS 2019 Program and Book of Abstracts, 2019
Publisher: Edited by Angelo M Mineo and Luigi Augugliaro

The DAB: Detecting Anomalies via Bootstrapping

Published in: EMS 2019 - Program and Book of Abstracts, 2019
Publisher: Edited by Angelo M Mineo and Luigi Augugliaro

Hemisphere Mixing: A Fully Data-Driven Model Of QCD Multijet Backgrounds For LHC Searches

Author(s): Tommaso Dorigo, Martino Dall'Osso, Pablo de Castro Manzano, Livio Finos, Grzegorz Kotkowski, Giovanna Menardi, Bruno Scarpa
Published in: Proceedings of The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics — PoS(EPS-HEP2017), 2018, Page(s) 370
Publisher: Sissa Medialab
DOI: 10.22323/1.314.0370

Advanced Statistical Methods for Data Analysis in Particle Physics

Author(s): Kotkowski, G. M.
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Università degli Studi di Padova

Model independent searches for New Physics using Machine Learning at the ATLAS experiment

Author(s): Fabricio Jimenez
Published in: 2019
Publisher: Université Clermont Auvergne

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