Periodic Reporting for period 2 - LONGPOP (Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers)
Reporting period: 2018-02-01 to 2020-07-31
This Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network project, LONGPOP, aimed to create network to utilize these different research teams to share experiences, construct joint research, create a training track for specialist in the field and increase the number of users of these large– possibly underused – databases, making more scientists and stakeholders aware of the richness in the databases.
The primary research goal was the analysis of the causes and consequences of the rapidly evolving European societies from different disciplinary approaches but via common methodologies and longitudinal analysis techniques.
Moreover, it aimed to train a new generation of Early-Stage Researchers (ESR), who were in their first four years of research with no PhD awarded, with innovative and creative skills to face nowadays challenges. The 15 ESR have moved to another country to develop their individual projects. These projects are built in the framework of a broader research. The network, composed by 10 beneficiaries and 1 partner, hosted the 15 ESR providing them training-through-research as well as in-house and external courses. Their professional development was completed by the secondments in the different organisations and in the partner organisation – IECA. A strong emphasis was put in their participation and active contribution to dissemination and communication activities and events, such as conferences, seminars, meetings with non-specialists audiences, etc.
The training programme was implemented according to the objectives, but also targeted to the ESRs’ needs in terms of research training and skills gap. Apart from the expected training, other courses organised by the network and by other organisations were offered to ESRs, according to their Career Development Plans. The exposure to the private sector was ensured by the participation of two companies (ESRI and TELNET). The secondments (in the private and/or the public beneficiaries) increased the cooperation among teams and the enhancement of fellows’ knowledge in research methodologies, data management and statistical techniques.
The dissemination and the outreach were implemented through the participation in conferences, seminars and workshops, the publication of articles in peer reviewed journals, the use of social networks and websites, the meeting with non-specialists audiences, etc.
The main exploitable results of the project are:
1.1 Catalogue of longitudinal registers
1.3 Report on Concepts and Techniques for Record Linkage
1.2 Report on Concepts and Techniques for data curation, management and statistical analysis
1.4 Report on Concepts and Techniques for Record Linkage
2.1 GIS mobility tool
2.2 Compilation of different GIS layers on mortality
2.3 Compilation of GIS layers on Italian demographic
2.4 Tool to visualize indicators of environmental exposures
2.5 Tool to locate life courses on maps
2.6 Web Portal for Health and Population
3.1 Report on the IDS and extraction software
3.2 Report on the coordination of the building of extraction software
3.3 Report on different Algorithms
3.4 Data mining, extraction software
6.7 Dissemination via a special volume of an e-journal
The exploitation of these results will be done as follows:
- Reports: this will be useful for other researchers and data scientists who work with data linkage and Big Data in different fields;
- Tools and methods: they will be exploited by scientists who work with similar kind of health or historical data, or need to compare different databases for their own researches.
- E-journal: the volume, «Major Databases with Historical Longitudinal Population Data: Development, Impact and Results» (Special issue 2020), will contribute to spread the results of different approaches to the main topic of the volume among the scientific community.
Finally, at individual level, the ESRs have produced different results according to their IRP: GIS layers on mortality; definition of concepts, data models, methods and analytical tools for longitudinal analyses, individual record linkage and data exploitation; working papers and reports on health, sociological and demographic analyses, etc.
In the next months, those ESRs who haven't defend their PhD thesis yet will do it. All the researchers will keep publishing the results of their researchers in different peer-reviewed journals. This will enhance the scientific and socio-economic impact of LONGPOP beyond the lifetime of the project.