Periodic Reporting for period 4 - INTERTRAP (Integrated absolute dating approach for terrestrial records of past climate using trapped charge methods)
Reporting period: 2020-10-01 to 2022-03-31
The methodological approach of INTERTRAP aimed at developing more reliable dating methods for sediments older than about 40 ka by using electron spin resonance (ESR) alongside luminescence methods. We have shown that the saturation characteristics of the single aliquot regeneration optically stimulated luminescence (SAR-OSL) signals of different grain sizes are anticorrelated with grain diameter. Contrary to what one would intuitively believe, an extended laboratory SAR dose response curve does not necessarily enable a corresponding extended accurate age range. SAR-OSL results obtained on coarser grains (> 63 µm) should be regarded as more accurate than fine grains (4-11 µm) results. Additionally, by performing single grain analysis, it was shown that brighter grains are considered to give more accurate results. As such, by using coarse grains instead of fine ones and by selecting the brighter grains, better chronologies can be achieved. Using the post infrared stimulated protocols on feldspars equivalent doses up to ~400 Gy were accurately determined allowing dating Termination 2. It was shown that coarser grains are also more suitable for standard ESR dating methods. This is because there is a higher concentration of interfering signals corresponding to intrinsic defects (oxygen vacancies and other oxygen related defects) in fine grains. We have explained the difference between the laboratory and natural ESR dose response curves of [AlO4/h]0 and [TiO4/M+]0 centres by an apparent dose-dependent thermal instability of the signals beyond 1000 Gy. To sum up, quartz luminescence dating methods are limited to about 200 Gy, the use of feldspars can extend the measurable range up to 400 Gy, while ESR dating can in principle allow accurate dating up to ages that correspond to a total accrued dose of about 1000 Gy.
The total publication output of INTERTRAP is: 27 scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals, 5 PhD theses, 2 articles in journal dedicated to the public.