Periodic Reporting for period 4 - Remote memory traces (Cellular and molecular mechanisms of remote fear attenuation)
Reporting period: 2020-11-01 to 2021-10-31
To achieve our goals, we are working with rodents as a surrogate to mimic post-traumatic stress disorder in a controllable setting. Specifically, we are using transgenic mouse models to visualise cells implicated in remote memory storage and attenuation, in combination with approaches to alter neuronal activity and with cell type-specific molecular analyses.
Over the course of this project, we have identified the brain areas (Psychopharmacology, 2019), circuits (Nature Neuroscience, 2021) and cellular subpopulations (Science, 2018; Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 2019) underlying remote fear memory extinction, as well as the molecular mechanisms thereof (BioRXiv 2021, currently under review at PNAS). Importantly, the identification of the cells responsible for remote fear memory attenuation (Science, 2018) revealed that the key to successfully attenuate remote traumatic memories lies, contrary to long-held beliefs, in the same cells that were used to store the memory in the first place, i.e. the original memory trace of fear. In other words, it is better to face your fears than to suppress them.Furthermore the identification of the brain circuits engaged in the remote fear memory attenuation (Nature Neuroscience, 2021) revealed that the circuits required for the extinction of traumatic memories change with memory age. In other words, they revealed for the first time that similar to memory consolidation that is supported by a different brain areas as memories become older, there is a spatiotemporal shift in the circuits underlying fear memory extinction.
Together, these findings shed considerable new light on an underinvestigated area of memory research, remote fear memory attenuation.
fear memory recall-induced cells are significantly reactivated in parts of the brain. In particular, we have found that within the hippocampus, hippocampal area CA1 and the dentate gyrus, but not in CA3, are reactivated, while in the cortex, the infralimbic area is, but not the anterior cingulate area or the prelimbic area, and in the amygdala, it is the basolateral part, but not the central part that shows this reactivation. Importantly, all brain areas that show the reactivation are known to play a critical role in memory attenuation. What is more, when we blocked the activity of recall-induced neurons, the degree of fear memory attenuation was impaired. Conversely, when we increased the activity of recall-induced neurons during memory extinction, fear attenuation was facilitated. These results stipulate that a loss-of-function of the original memory trace of fear is detrimental for fear attenuation, which in turn favours the notion that the original memory trace of fear has been updated, i.e. relearned towards safety likely via reconsolidation-updating mechanisms, rather than having been suppressed via extinction learning. In other words, it is good to confront your fears.
On top of that, we have recently also identified the molecular mechanisms engaged in these reactivated cells during remote fear memory extinction. Interestingly, these mechanisms point to enhanced synaptic plasticity, which is a key feature of facilitated learning, and several candidate genes have emerged, which will now be followed up in functional studies for their potential to accelerate fear extinction.