A major achievement of TomGEM is to have gathered and made accessible a large collection of tomato germplasm from across the world corresponding to natural or induced variations. Over 2000 genotypes were screened in different locations using a common set of phenotypic descriptors and environmental parameters to evaluate their performance regarding heat stress. A set of heat tolerant tomato genotypes were identified following field and glasshouse tests at multiples locations including Spain, Italy, Bulgaria. Seeds of top heat-tolerant genotypes were exchanged between TomGEM partners to enable crossing as well as further physiological and molecular analyses. The data generated were made available online via the phenotyping PhenoTomGEM database created specifically for the need of TomGEM. Promising QTLs and molecular markers associated with high temperature were identified in different RIL and IL populations and candidate genes were identified for pollen fertility at high temperatures by integrating mapping and RNA-seq data. Mutant lines displaying pollination-independent fruit set under heat stress conditions were identified. Genome-wide mapping of histone marks and Cytosine methylation associated with fruit set was performed and integration of global transcriptomic profiling and epigenetic markers revealed the role of histone marks in genetic reprogramming associated with fruit set. Various management practices were tested on determinate and indeterminate genotypes grown in open field or under tunnel. The use of a biostimulant compounds and the whitening of leaves gave promising results. Large scale assessments of post-harvest properties of genotypes with natural variation for heat tolerance revealed a general trend of reduced quality but few genotypes have been identified that retain quality after being subjected to elevated temperature. Finally, new resources and tools have been generated in the framework of the project. A transcriptomic pipeline (TomExpress) gathering web tools for storing, processing, mining transcriptomic data was set up. An interactive phenotyping database gathering the outcome of the screening of all germplasm collections during the TomGEM project was created. A new high quality de novo tomato genome assembly and annotation was achieved allowing the building a new and updated version of TomExpress. A dissemination toolkit using the TomGEM corporate identity was continuously applied, a social media channel (Twitter: @TomGem_EU) and a project website (
http://tomgem.eu/) were established and updated regularly with news information and peer-reviewed publications. Results were disseminated at scientific meetings, international conferences, trade and business fairs across different sectors and TomGEM engaged with civil society and young citizens. TomGEM reached out to a range of stakeholder groups such as the scientific community, industrial stakeholders including tomato breeders and growers, policy makers and the general public on national, European and international level (Europe, South America, Asia). However, the disseminations activities were greatly impacted the restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.